come, wendy, let us try to jump the hilly brush. my name is gregory. i have been wendy's counter-cousin for some time. we've been skating all morning. and laughing and talking of memories past. my name is gregory. and i have a potty mouth. how are you gonna do that? yes, what's next? barcodes on our forearms? this country is the most fascist of all. viva la resistance. this is the place-- well, apparently you have a bigger heart than we thought. let us get this meeting underway, there are others coming. may i? terrance and phillip are currently being held at a canadian internment camp two kilometers outside of town. they are to be executed tomorrow during a star-studded uso show for the troops. we must sneak into the camp through this duct, freeing terrance and phillip inside. the war is escalating, and the american forces are preparing for a large scale attack on canada. that means the time is now. this is a dangerous mission, so i'll go myself. this will be very dangerous. are you quite sure? after you clear this zone here, rendezvous behind this ridge where terrance and phillip should be held. you are indeed brave, but you will need someone who's done this sort of thing before. mole! thank you for coming, mole. this is the mole. he will accompany you to the prison where terrance and phillip are. he is an expert in covert operations and a lifelong fighter for freedom. good luck stan, i'll make sure wendy is. kept safe? god has smiled upon you this day the fate of a nation in your hands. as brothers and sisters we unite and behind you we shall fight! until only the most righteous belief stands! do you see the distant flames? they bellow in the night fight in all our names for what we know is right and if you all get shot and cannot carry on though you die, la resistance lives on! but when they torture you you will not feel a need to run for though you die, la resistance lives on! i see you failed in your mission. terrance and phillip must be dead by now.