wowwww. ooooohhh!!! shut your fucking face, unclefucka!! you're a shitsucking, cocksucking unclefucka!! terrance and phillip!! hoooray!!! fuck you!! you can do it, it's all up to you mkay? with a method, there's nothing you can't do, mkay? we don't have to spend our lives addicted to crack homeless on the streets giving hand- jobs for cash step one: think about fun. think about all that you'll miss addicted to this step two: think it all through. think how's this gonna change my life, what am i gonna miss? step three: go and hug a tree, hug anything that gets in your way! and step four: just don't do it anymore - it's easy, mkay! yeah! woohoo! hooray!!! you might get stabbed in the head by a dagger or a sword you might be burned to death or skinned alive or worse! do you hear the beating drum? it is our hearts all joined to one it is the music of our souls knowing we have much to overcome! let it echo through the night! let it reach the ears of everyone! though we die la resistance lives on! though we die la resistance lives onnnn!!!!! ah- ahhhh!!!