kyle, you take your little brother out to play with you! do as i say, kyle! what did my son say, principal victoria? did he say the s word? the f word?! what is 'fisting'? young man, you will tell peincipal victoria this instant where you heard all these horrible phrases! terrance and phillip movie?! oy gevalt! not again! terrance and phillip are two very untalented, unfunny actors from canada. their tv show is filled with toilet humor and bad language and is just complete garbage. now it appears they have a movie and i'm positive it's not suitable for children! alright, boys, that's enough. get out and let us adults speak. we must take action on this immediately. forgive me for saying so, principal victoria, but your methods are too. shall we say. soft? as head of the pta, i am exercising my right under article 42 of the pta code. yes principal victoria. the pta is impeaching you. you are officially relieved of your duties as principal of this school! get out of that chair! the pta is in charge now! attention students. we are now enforcing a new dress code at south park elementary. terrance and phillip shirts are no longer allowed in school. anyone wearing a terrance and phillip shirt is to be sent home immediately. canada! oh but of course children are going to see it!! you just don't care! because it's evil!! the canadians are just mad that we mothers here in south park have the chutzpah to stand up to them! like it or not, mr. canadian minister, our children are now safe from your canadian smut! i knew this would happen! those bastard canadians have now killed a child! can't people see the damage that film is doing?! this is it! the time for action is now!! something must be done! this is like a spreading rash! they're pulling out our children's brains and filling them with trash! can't you see what this is leading to? a world of smut and sex and poo! i believe the good fight has begun! something must be done! right! and we can use that same media machine to exploit our cause! we've got to let the whole world know what the canadians did to your son! come on! we will fight for children's rights in memory of your son! this must be him, officer! this is the scum that sold r rated tickets to children! oh we will, mr. scumbag. we will. that's it! move, move, move! terrance and phillip, you are under arrest for working in america without the proper documents! we got you! don't listen to them, mr. o'brian. they're master manipulators. you did a good job. you see what your filth has caused? if i may? as president and founder of m.a.c., i would like to state- yes, mothers against canada. i would like to state that canada must learn to stop infiltrating our country with its graphic art! look at this! this woman's child was killed by your country's humor! look how upset she is! then you leave me no choice. i call for an embargo on all canadian imports!!! boys, we have to have a difficult discussion. what was that word, young man!? i know what it is! the terrance and phillip movie has obviously done irreparable damage to their brains. we have to put them in rehab right away. you boys need help. there are rehab centers that specialize in treating people with chronic addictions to bad language. well no, i guess not. but we will establish the first of its kind right here in south park. all the children in town will have to attend and receive treatment from the school counselor mr. mackey! ooh i just love when i get these sorts of ideas! what the hell do they think this is?! summer camp?! mr. mackey, what is going on?! this is not a place for fun and games! this is rehabilitation! now get to it!! we at mac have a trial to go to! your 'art' is shallow and immature! we americans do not allow that for our children!! that is enough!! no they don't! how is the children's progress? what do you mean most, why not all? then we'll have to resort to plan b and call the v-chip organization. i don't care if it's dangerous! desperate times call for desperate measures, mr. mackey. perhaps i need to remind you of your situation. as our next official order of business here at m.a.c., we will test the new v- chip. as most of you know, the v-chip was created to lock children out of watching certain shows on television. and now the n.i.h. has created a new, exciting product that they can tell us all about. here is the surgeon general, dr. pangloss. and so we have succesfully removed the canadian smut from all of our children's brains. we have made changes at school to ensure that our kids are never again exposed to smut!!!!!!! it's over! my fellow americans. i have led this fight in the war against profanity. i have founded mothers against canada. our neighbor to the north has abused us for the last time. what about air strikes? we have to have air strikes on their military and entertainment centers. it's the only way to ensure that their smut can't reach american soil! not necessary?! mr. president, may i remind you that our country's heart and soul are at stake, and our children's minds are the battlefield! the bastard canadians want to fight us because we won't tolerate their potty mouths. well, if it is war they want. then war they shall have!!! well find out where that signal is coming from! then hunt them down like dogs! any and all canadian influence must be stopped at all cost! and bill? i'm needing lunch. something must be done! tomorrow it will be! we're going to execute this threat to our democracy! ladies and gentlemen of the american war effort, we salute you! tomorrow you will be risking your lives so that our children will have a better future. god bless you men. and god bless this filth free nation. many of you will die. die like blood bathed pigs. so tonight, we at mac present a night of a hundred stars! now without further ado, i give you. pint size pixie and darling of the indie movie scene, winona ryder! let's hear it again for the one and only winona ryder!!! next up we have a special treat. please welcome, direct from vegas- big gay al's big gay experience!!! and now, for our big finale, the moment you have all been waiting for!!! we will execute them along with terrance and phillip for your viewing pleasure! kyle?! ike?! general. these are our children! no. the general is right. boobie. this is the only way you're ever going to learn. i have an opportunity here to teach you about consequences. yes! and i will not allow my children to be ruined by smut!! i am sorry young man, but i have had it up to here! strap them in! kyle brovlofski, you watch your language!! goodbye, bastards! this is what we wanted! we wanted our children to be brought up in a smut-free environment!!! wake up, people! we all have to do things that aren't pretty sometimes! it's the not pretty things that make life worth fighting the not pretty things for! why do you think children have to be born in hospitals? why does it matter?! my plan is a perfect plan!! perfect! perfect! perfect!!!!! where are you going?! we need to stop the not pretty things from letting our children be born in hospitals! killed. they should only be so lucky. kyle wasn't even born in a hospital! aaaghgahghgh!!! you destroyed my family!!!!!!!!!! die!!!!!! what the hell is going on?! oh no you don't! this is my fight!! i don't need your help, alan dershwitz! oh. i. i was just trying to make the world a better place for children. and i thought my mother was the master of guilt. geez louise. oh god. what have i done. shiteater-