hey, dudes. aren't you supposed to go to church, kenny? oh my god, dude!!! no, ike! you can't come with me! aw, ma!! damn it!! in movies we can pretend that love is real and good always wins- let's go get fat ass! what'dya mean, no? but why? damn it! we have to see this movie, dude! cartman! what the hell are you talking about?! you love terrance and philiip! be quiet, ike! the movie's starting! that was sweet! cuz, dummy they're canadian, just like ike! woa, dude! did they say what i think they said? donkey raping shit eater. dude, that movie was fucking sweet! yeah, shut your fucking face, unclefucka!! aw, god damn it, he's singing that fucking song again. woa, dude, who's your girlfriend's new guy? it's not sigried and roy, mr. garrison, it's terrance and phillip. dude, how can you hate the environment? no, he's talking about fuck, dude. you can't say fuck in front of mr. garrison. oh, dude we are fucked now. yeah, let's swear we won't tell! i've heard them from mr. garrison a few times before. i can't dude! we all took a sacred oath, and swore ourselves to secrecy! man, that movie gets better every time i see it! dude, anybody who doesn't think terrance and phillip is funny can fuck off anyways. you bastard!! you bastards!! come on, cartman. it's not your fault. oh. i can't believe he's dead. it isn't fair! dude, what the hell is going on? our moms suck! who the hell made up that law?! i don't really think you need cheesy- poofs, tubby- we already know what you did. we saw it on television. but they fucking didn't do anything wrong! what's that? but they're just words, mr. mackey. our parents are over-reacting. what happened? sweet! dude, they cut out 92 minutes! oh no! dude, let's help terrance and phillip!! yeah, let's make free terrance and phillip buttons! i don't know, dude. i thought she wasn't your girlfriend, dude. we're protesting! oh. that doesn't count. wow, dude. wendy could really give a rats ass about you. good thing she was never your girlfriend. dude, here comes cartman. hey, cartman, did they put that v-chip in your head or your ass? whoa! what the hell was that?! hey cartman. you know, me and stan were just talking about what a fat fucking hunk o' fat fuck you are. this is sweet!! what's that for? yeah, they suck. we can't, we're on a hunger strike. i don't know. what's going on, chef? holy shit dude!! does it say what the clitoris is? isn't that in arizona or something? dude, don't you like terrance and phillip anymore? and she's getting worse. hey! leave him alone! he's my brother! he's adopted! it's only a matter of time before my mom has him burned too! i don't know. but it has gone far enough! i'm sick of it! something must be done! change has got to come around! they're taking all our laughter and burning it to the ground! can't you see what this is leading to? a world of chains and ties and glue! we have to fight before they've taken every one! something must be done! we've gotta get the word out. we'll get on my dad's computer and use the internet! come on you guys! okay. i just need to find a few private message boards. okay. "found eight million pages with the word clitoris"! i'll just try the first one. dude! it's a lady giving a blow job to a horse! hey. it is cartman's mom!! get out of here ike, you're too young for this stuff! i'm trying, i can't find a canadian server. i've got to break into the main frame. damn it! they've got an access code! i'll try to reroute the encryptions. no, dude, all you have to do is hit the keys really fast and say a bunch of stupid shit and it works. bingo. okay, here we go. want to help terrance and phillip? meet us for a meeting at gladdy's barn tomorrow night. we're not gonna have pie and punch! pie and punch. this is top secret. the password is. you stay up here in the attic, ike. don't make any noises or nothing, okay? goodnight, ike, we're all going to bed. you're late, cartman! your behind? did you bring the pie and punch? i know cartman, i know. i see kenny every day. sure, dude. on the face of every child, on the smile of every baby. somebody's here. who is it? what's the password? guess. okay. wow, a lot of people showed up. i thought you had something planned. wow, dude, wendy's new guy is smart. gotcha. yeah, i guess. give me terrance and phillip or give me death!!! what? shot? oh my god. do you see them? do you see terrance and phillip? that's gonna take a long time! we don't have watches. dude, we don't have watches. what's a butfor? what's a dying giraffe sound like? kay. be careful, dude. i don't think he's coming back, dude. no! that's not terrance or phillip! damn it! come on, mole we're running out of time! what cartman?! did you shut the alarm off, cartman? cartman?! oh shit! we can't leave without you! no, i mean we can't leave without you - we don't know where the hell we are!! shit! run, stan!! what? hi, ma. mom!!! you gotta be fucking kidding me!! cartman! hey! it's mr. garrison!! yes i am! stan! sweet. wait! he's not haunting us, he's trying to tell us something! hold everything!!! you made a deal with kenny that if he got ten proofs of purchases from snacky smores you'd grant him any wish. what? look at that! don't listen to him, cartman! what? thank you, kenny. whew, i'm sure glad that's over. yeah, so what if you say uncle raper or dicksucker or, or- oh he can, dude. look!