mkay, it's come to my attention, that you boys have a potty-mouth problem, mkay. now the sooner you recognize your problem, mkay, the sooner we can get you back to your third grade homeroom where you belong. mkay, kids from all over the state have been brought here, because you all share the same problem. uh, young man. let's start with you. eric, that is not appropriate. mkay, you see, children. this is exactly what i'm talking about. we have to change the way you think. there are times when you get suckered in, by drugs and alcohol and sex with wom-en. but it's when you do these things too much that you've got to clear your head and get back in touch. you can do it, it's all up to you, mkay? with a method, there's nothing you can't do, mkay? you don't have to spend your life addicted to crack homeless on the streets giving hand- jobs for cash as long as you follow this simple plan i'm fully convinced that it's, easy, mkay. step one: think about fun. think about all that you'll miss addicted to this step two: think it all through. think how's this gonna change my life, what am i gonna miss? step three: go and hug a tree, hug anything that gets in your way! and step four: just don't do it anymore - it's easy, mkay! come on, kids! sing along! as long as you follow my simple plan i'm fully convinced that it's, easy, mkay. it's easy, mkay?! uh, we're just, starting our program. mkay. okay kids, for today's rehabilitation activity, we're going to watch the terrance and phillip movie. now, this is an edited version of the movie, which was put out by the mpaa. that's the motion picture association of america. no the mpaa is not a censorship group. uh. because they say so. mkay. now i want you to watch this movie, with all the immature profanity taken out, and notice how much better a movie it becomes. so you see, the point and the theme of the film is kept intact. and of course, the mpaa didn't cut out any of the graphic violence. what did you think? eric, you're not watching your mouth! eric!!!! you need to be rehabilitated. help me to help you! i am not a prickfuck, mkay? you little asshole! very encouraging. most of the children have been weened from their naughty mouths. well, some of the children just don't respond to 12 step programs. mrs. brovlofski, the v-chip hasn't been fully tested yet, it could be dangerous. alright, i'll make the call. mkay, children, you've all made terrific progress, and are hereby done with the eight step program. uh, except for you eric. i'm afraid you need to work more on not saying the f word and the n word. norwegian ass raper. the rest of you are graduated. you can go home today. free terrance and phillip? oh no. mkay. well, boys, it might interest you to know that your friends the canadians have just bombed the u.s. yes, at six this morning they bombed the heck out of cleveland. wendy, mkay, if you want to start getting political, i'll throw your skinny little butt right back into rehab. mkay? no, eric. i'm afraid it's phase two for you. i don't believe it. die canadian, mmkay?! mkay-