say terrance, what did the spanish priest say to the uranian gynecologist? what?! why would you call me a pigfucker?! oh yeah! a letter from who, you shit sucking cock master? my mother sent you a letter? what's it say? oh, you fucking ball whore! you'd fuck your uncle! shut your fucking face!! unclefucka!!! you're the one that fucked your uncle, unclefucka!!! you don't eat, or sleep or mow the lawn you just fuck your uncle all day long! you fucked your uncle yesterday! i did, terrance, i learned that you are a boner biting dick fart fuck face! you bet, terrance! ha ha ha! you burned yourself to death by lighting the fart! ha ha ha!! hello, conan! yeah, well, you being a canadian and all, we thought what the hell! we sure do, conan. and here it is. excuse me, terrance. gotcha! cheers, terrance! i just farted terrance back into the stone age! this little scrotum sucker willfully deceived us! you are a bad man! fight the power! don't believe the hype!! please. you teach your children that america is the land of the free. but it's all bullshit. you're one of the most conservative countries in the world! yeah, god, no wonder your country is so fucked up. yes they do! and i'll prove it to you! in march of last year, the american you would know, dummy. we'll be farting bread and water for a few years. aghgh! i know, terrance. this is quite the shitstorm we've found ourselves in this time. i know, terrance. i know. last words? let's see. how aboot "get me the fuck out of this chair". how's that for last words? what's going on terrance? did you hear that, terrance? i farted! come on, we can take shelter in one of those buildings! terrance! no! you're quite a purveyor of filth, little boy! of course you did, cock fuck!