i'm going to the movies to see the brighter side of life! i'm going to the movie everything's gonna be alright! forget all my troubles put my own life on hold let a studio tell me how i should view the world where everything works out i love it that way i'm going to the movies the movies today! kenny! the terrance and phillip movie is out! you wanna come?! we're going to the movies! to see the brighter side of life! where everyone is beautiful and have their hair combed just right! kyle, check it out. we can even make believe marriages last! can i get five tickets to terrance and phillip asses of fire, please? this is terrible! this can't be happening!! wait! i've got an idea! look, homeless guy, if you don't want to buy us tickets, and not get your ten bucks and not go buy yourself a bottle of vodka and not forget about how miserable your life is and not stop the voices in your head then go right ahead. where do they come up with this stuff?! fuck, dude, i wanna be just like terrance and phillip! huh? oh, nowhere. we just went out to go see the terrance and phillip movie! yeah, you're all a bunch of ass ramming unclefuckers. thank my lucky stars here before me now is everything i'd ever hoped for knew it in a word saw it in a glance the only thing i think i'd die for. i can't stop now my heart's awake i pray her arms my arms to take so this is why i'm ali- who are you, kid? we saw the terrance and phillip movie! she's not my girlfriend, dude! dude, you just said fuck again. now remember, don't tell anybody we saw the terrance and phillip movie! yeah. nowhere. yeah! oh, oh. dude! did you see that, wendy? didn't you think it was funny, wendy? what?! but wendy, i can go- yeah. oh my god!! you killed kenny!! oh my god! they killed kenny! how can they do this? dude, our moms arrested terrance and phillip! about what? yeah, how come you arrested terrance and phillip? shh! mr. mackey's gonna hear us! what?! how do we do that? yeah! what the hell are you talking about, kid? what? what don't i get? what don't i get? that british dickhole is what's taking wendy away from me! she's not! but if she was it would be that little asshole who's fucking it up for me! yeah! they did?! hi wendy. i bet she would if my name was gregory!! what's the difference? dude! it's the v-chip! it shocks him ever time he cusses! totally! hey, what are you doing? what's the matter, wendy? god damn it, why does she keep saying that? i'm so sick of these soldiers. hey, chef. to free terrance and phillip. chef, do you know anything about women? what's the secret to making a woman happy? huh? no, what does that mean, find the clitoris? woa, i wonder what's going on, dude. chef, what does it mean that we're at war? all it says is that it's above the vulva. but where the hell is the vulva? what is this? that book wasn't canadian! dude. isn't that your brother? what has the world come to? this is horrible. we're locked up, burning books, hating other people- -no cheesy poofs. what the hell is happening? i agree! the only way to save our future is to unite and fight! something must be done! we must take action fast! my parents have gotten so strict they forgot they were children in the past! but what are we going to do against this entire army? wait! before we put a message out, do a search on the word 'clitoris'. wow! is it cartman's mom? maybe that's who your father is, cartman! dude, do you know what you're doing? la resistance. what? oh no, it's that kid. wendy? everyone be seated, please. yeah, so what do we say? me?! kay. uh. terrance and phillip are supposed to be killed, and we think that sucks ass!! uhh. so we think we should prank call a bunch of policemen! we can have pizzas sent to them that they didn't order! viva la resistance!!! uhh. what? no! we're going! we started la resistance to save terrance and phillip! we're going! we're going. let's run through the plan!! how are we ever gonna find them? what is it? we're going to die here like baby mice who have had no milk in days. dry up into crunchy little pinkies. dude, you didn't say anything about watches. got it. check. damn, dude, that kid is fucked up. oh, brother. hello? where the hell am i? is anybody here? marco!!! marco!!! dude, weak. can't go on. dizzy. what is that? oh my god!!! what. what. are you? the clitoris?! i did it!! i found the clitoris!! wait, you're supposed to tell me how to get wendy to like me. no way, dude! i've looked all over for you, and now you have to tell me how to get wendy to like me!! of course!! ice cream!! wendy? dude, i found the clitoris! i think i can get wendy to like me now! holy shit cartman! what was that?! are you sure, kenny? he said that his wish is for everyone who died in the war to come back. aren't there cold parts of hell? yeah, thanks for going back to hell for us. you're a real pal. yeah, but you know, i learned something today. i learned that getting all worked up over fuck and shit and cockmaster is just stupid. you all focused so hard on erasing profanity that you forgot the most important thing. to love each other. mom, i'm a man. just a man. and i'm going to have fun with profanity just like you and dad did when you were little. wendy. how would you like to go get some ice cream? my friend the clitoris told me. really? where the hell do you keep it? it's huge. but wendy. what about gregory? you didn't? cool! knew it in a word saw it in a glance the only thing i think i'd die for