so. we must free more canadian prizoners? america. she iz a beetch that sheets on her own children. freedom. it's like cow's urine poured down your troat. you wonder 'do i want this?' i'm thersty. but it's urine. be careful not to touch this wire- it sounds like the uso show has started. we have precious little time. god? . let me tell you something about god. he is ze biggest bitch of zem all. no. zey must have zem inside. we will have to dig. time? did time matter to the revolutionists who were forced to eat their own shit while dying in the dungeons of ze king? sheet! bedrock! i cannot dig any further in zis direction! or, we can dig up. sheet! move! move! okay. the americans must be holding terrance and phillip in one of those bunkers. we will split up here. let's synchronize watches! you don't have watches? what do you think this is kid? lick barney the dinosaur's pussy fucking kiddie hour? huh? this is real life with consequences you take to the grave! sheet. did you bring ze mirror? and ze rope? and the butfor? for pooping, silly. now listen carefully. stan and kyle, you stand watch here and await my return. if any guards come by, make a sound like a dying giraffe. gwpaapa. gwpaapa. cartman, over zere, is the electrical box. you must sneak over zere and shut it off before i return with terrance and phillip or the alarms will sound and i will be shot full of holes. got it? you must shut off the power, this is very important do you understa- i will tunnel my way into ze buildings, and find ze prisoners. careful? was my mother careful when she stabbed me in the heart with a clothes hanger while i was still in ze womb? is this one of zem? oh. alright, back you go. ze alarms! zey went off! please. do not let ze resistance die. now the light, she fades and darkness closes in but i will find strength i will find pride within because although i die our freedom will be won though i die ze resistance lives on. it's so very cold. it's okay, i am done for. where is your god when you need him? where is your beautiful, merciful faggot now?