yes. now? morning, dad. you as mad at me as mom 'cause of what happened? john pauses. aware his answer will have repercussions but integrity wins. are you mad at me? i just didn't want to sing last night. but i don't have to sing it for anyone. how many did you sell of this song? a kid offered me a trade. let me show you. you don't even know how important the trade is. he says he'll give me any three silvers for him. i know. that's why i needed you. i think he'd go higher. if he gave me six. who wants to go swimming?. yes, who wants to go swimming? the dog goes crazy with excitement -- then, droll for a nine year old, georgie turns to his grandmother and addresses her in precisely the same way. evelyn has a drink in hand. who wants to go swimming?. huh. oh yeah, you're off. wet suits are for wimps. you're good. it's okay. no thank you. do we have to do this? do i have to get out? thanks. thanks. okay. bernice climbs out of the pool. meanwhile, a flabbergasted cristina is staring at her mom who gives quiet two and three word proddings in spanish. flor said.