hi. the girl and woman are enormously excited over this word even though, outside, her life's mate is being loaded into the back of a police car. it seems the mother will save her child the trauma of her father being carted off; but the police turn on their siren and the girl turns to see her father as the car pulls away. the child is stricken. a tear starts to form in her eye. her mother acts quickly. we are about to see powerful emotion reversed by sheer force of will. the mother leans down, gives three quick kisses - power pecks - to the girl's cheeks and then an admonition in spanish. hi. how are you? i am fine. . happy, merry, joyful, glad, contented, frisky. as they taxi. texas. the mother hurries her along in the direction of distant lights. texas. mam, texas. she raises her fingers like pistols. shoots, blows in them and reholsters them. adios, texas. 5: