sheila! sheila! needs lubrication. lubrication. you made me hurt him! ooooooohhh. someone wants to play with me? blueface! blueface is my favorite. it's not so bad. when i'm alone, it feels like someone else. sheila grabs the bottle from junior, opens it and pours some on her shish kebab. she leans over and whispers furiously to her father. your turn, theo. why can't you bowl? you're prone to violent outbursts, aren't you? it feels good to let it out, doesn't it? sheila leans over and whispers furiously to her father. sheila. knock-knock. come on sheila, knock-knock. junior. j'you-and-your-friend do it yet? same wish as last year. knock, knock. i'm gonna play blue face! who's there? who's there! no. i say knock-knock! you say who's there. i say who's there and then you say who who. you're not playing right. knock-knock. junior. junior! you're supposed to say junior who! i'm going to have to hurt you. theo and junior circle one another. you shouldn't touch her. nobody touches her. except me. i touch her. sheila told me you played bouncy- bouncy with her. he told me to play blue-face with buzz. i like games. you played bouncy-bouncy with sheila, so i'm gonna play blue-face with you. to play, i press my fingers on a throat like this. . and then the mans face would go blue and i should keep pressing. . and i did and then he stopped moving and he didn't play anymore after that. theo bends back a finger on junior's hand. junior lets out a howl of pain and releases theo's neck. theo gasps for air. you didn't play fair. you were almost blue. go ahead theo, i saw you on tv. i'm your biggest fan. junior offers theo his unprotected head. come on theo, give me your autograph! thank you, mr. skinner! thank you! i can have her,you know. she's not my real sister. theo's pov a ball pops up at the far end of the return and trundles rapidly towards theo. the ball hits theo's face with a pow. black out we hear "raindrops keep falling on my head." theo's bowling shoe attired feet being dragged down the lane. theo comes to and looks down his body to see the empty lane. he looks up to see junior pulling him towards the pin reset machine. the cut on theo's forehead bleeds down the side of his face. lubrication. don't you knock?