buzz. you got my whip? lose yourselves. we've been partners a long time now, haven't we buzz? this scam we got going here was your brainstorm, buzz. i admit, i thought it was a rotten idea, but i put up the scratch. and now we got a beautiful thing. a beautiful thing. and you know why buzz? you know what we got? buzz raises an eyebrow as he buttons his shirt. a partnership is a very delicate balance. but let's say something tips the scales, maybe one partner takes more than his share, then. kastle tips the wire man off his perch. the little motor squeals pathetically. oops. we got no more balance. and look at that; both partners go down together. kastle shoves the sculpture onto the floor, stands up, and crushes it under his heel. he goes over and puts his arm around buzz. simple math, buzz. two plus two does not equal three. i'm sure you have buzz. break a leg. . partner. nah, he won't do it. it's not an "alley". i hate when people call it a "bowling alley", it's so common! i prefer "bowling center". maybe he's here to pay his last respects. if i find out buzz is comin' up short on dwarf bowling, it's lights out for him and pink slips for you. sid and breeze look sideways at each other. i hired you rent-a-thugs to keep tabs on the faz. i want you all over him like a tent. find out how that little weasel's ripping me off. buzz fazeli's gonna blow the lid off dwarf bowling! so you're buzz's boy. i've been expecting you. you hurt my feelings when you didn't come and see me sooner. nobody sticks a finger into a bowling ball in this town without miles kastle knowing about it. you don't mind if i have a word with theo, do you bunny? kastle takes theo by the elbow and pulls him away. i heard you've been having a little trouble with the congress. theo pulls his eyes off sheila. kastle walks theo past pairs of bowlers. maybe i can help you. try a lighter ball, penelope - you'll get hurt with that big ball, honey. i've seen tapes of you bowling on the circuit. you got fazeli blood running through you. your pop was a genuine talent in his day. it's nothing, just a slight business imbalance. how's gloria's thumb? no pain, no gain! keep trying the ice. chin up, sweetie. this place is a bowling oasis. hello, violet. how's my favorite 'bowlerina' doing? you keep that up carmelita and one day you'll be a champion just like mr. skinner here. what do you think, theo? think carmelita's got the stuff? that's right, didn't you have a slight control problem in a recent tournament,champ? now go take out your "big four", darling. come on, we're making her nervous. i get them while they're young. builds loyalty. four or five years when a girl like that's bowling on the pro tour for team kastle, she'll pay a handsome profit on my investment. think of this business like a big aquarium. you gotta have some sharks to eat the dirt at the bottom so the guppies can swim free at the top. profits down there, philanthropy up here. besides, it beats the pants off bingo. if it springs a leak, it'll be because buzz is making waves. he's earned an early retirement. but enough about losers; buzz fazeli is history. lets talk about your future. i wanna show you something. rac. r-a-c. renovate, automate, computerize. that, my boy, is the future. one of the monitors shows a little girl bowling. her ball moves so slowly it barely tips over the first pin. kastle hits a key and the pins explode in an emphatic strike. the little girl jumps with joy. there's a lot of competition for amusement out there. you gotta adapt to survive. a guy like you could breathe some fire into bowling. you got ambition like a. like a. blowtorch. you go for what you want and anything that gets in your way - pssshht! - shish kebabs. maybe lady fate washed you up on my doorstep for your own good. i think i could help you, theo. you need a sponsor; i have influence. i could sponsor you. i like you, theo. you bowl with soul. but, now that you mention it, you could afford me one minor dispensation. theo follows his gaze to the screen. while you're in town, i need you to keep an eye on my daughter for a couple of days. her big brother broke out of the mental hospital. theo's eyes glaze over, the lights in the office dim, and kastle seems to recede into the far distance. and i want someone watching out for sheila while he's, uh, loose. junior's a problem child. he has a thing about - one thing, keep the meat in the freezer. why that filthy, slimey, double-crossing, misbegotten, two-faced, mangy, son-of-a- bitch bastard! junior? is that you, junior? don't be afraid. where are you? i won't hurt you. come on, junior. everyone's waiting for you, son. the beam of light catches junior's face. he is crouched inside the machine at lane six. jr. his face is cut and bleeding and his straitjacket torn and filthy. we're having a party for you, boy. cake and shish-k-bob, just like you love. junior cringes away from the light. look what i got for you. happy birthday junior! i have someone for you to play with junior. i have someone for you to play blueface with junior. he's here! come on down! ok, hats on everybody. ssssh! now real quiet. on three. one. two. three! steady boy, steady. i bet you didn't know that you and junior have something in common, theo: junior can't bowl anymore either. isn't that right junior? kastle slams the ketchup bottle down on junior's right hand. the table settings jump from the shock. junior sits impassively, his face a blank. see! no feeling. tell theo what happened to your hand, junior. he stuck it in the ball return machine when he was a kid. crushed all the nerve endings. junior starts stroking the ketchup bottle with his dead hand. you're just like you mother! always jealous! she ran away to be with that. that motocross champion. look who's talking! just because your mother signed part ownership of the lanes over to you, doesn't mean you have a right to tell me how to run my business! i can have my lawyers take that deed away from you like that. sheila and kastle sit up. junior, how 'bout a riddle? fantastic! what talent. make a wish, son. it's a bowling claw. you can bowl now, junior. with the whole family. junior beams at the group. pretty soon everybody can bowl! hey, enough fun and games. we have work to do. come on junior. kastle heads for his car. junior gets up and follows. the two sleazeballs tarry as theo stands. buzz has been moving the cash out in hollow bowling pins. sid and breeze throw sideways glances at each other. i want you two to pick up buzz and bring him to lane six. junior will take it from there. theo, how would you like to be my new partner? i think buzz is retiring soon. in fact, i think he's retiring tonight. kastle pulls out a shiny gold credit card and holds it in front of sheila. here, bunny. why don't you two go and do something fun tonight, on me. sheila is lured to the scent of the plastic like a junkie to a fix. one thing, stay away from the lanes. if junior sees you two together, he'll swallow his tongue. she reaches for the card and kastle snatches it away from her with a chortle. what did i say? bowling "center"! thank-you, sweetheart. see that you pinheads! character witness. they're all character witnesses! thanks to buzz fazeli, bowling is dead in this town! he killed it! the two officers hustle kastle towards the van. theo steps out in front of him. you fool, we could have done great things together! he killed your stoolie embezzler father, and he's gonna kill you next! sid and breeze push him towards the van as the crowd's murmur increases. kastle turns and yells over his shoulder. lock your daughters up, ladies! junior's out there! mothers and daughters send out a cacophony of screams and scatter for their cars. the bp cops hoist kastle into the back of the van. sid slams the doors shut. the van screeches off, sirens wailing. sid and breeze walk up to theo.