how's that orange whip comin'? cup of joe mr. fazeli? you don't need coffee, mr. fazeli; you need a vacation. sheila catches sight of theo pulling into the parking lot. she puts a ken head earring in her right ear. buzz follows sheila's gaze. buzz burger, side of 'cues. you haven't introduced me to your fan. you look like you're something on the lanes. oh, a professional man. what'll you have? whips. orange whips. how do you want it? the eggs. coming right up. mine, and they never tip. yeah, babylon. buzz runs the lanes there for my dad. everybody who has anything to do with bowling in this town answers to my dad. theo splits. luna, that's the guy. i saw him do this spooky bowling rain dance on the bridge. here theo, it's the fazeli specialty; a seven-ten split. theo looks down the lane and sees the two pins standing. bowling block. what do you want with my dad? won't your father help you with that? your dad's one of the only nice people in this fucking town. my dad is slime. kastle walks over. theo stands up and shakes kastle's proffered hand. i think that a motorbike is one of the last really free things that people can do. when i'm on my bike i feel like a wild person. better than any sex i've ever had. everything has it's drawbacks. the mental hospital. he follows me, he tries to have sex with me, and then they send him to the nut-hut for a while and then he gets out and then he follows me, he tries to have sex with me, they send him to the nut-hut for a while. it's a vicious cycle. these guys all work at the alley, too. this is john, susan, jon, suzanne, jonathan, and sue. everyone welcomes theo and sheila. mind if i cut in? you and your sideburns are the talk of the party, theo. can i ask you something personal? do you have a girlfriend? do you have a boyfriend? no. not at the present. nobody in this town really understands junior. when i went to family sessions for him i realized he was the sanest one in the family. actually, he's the only one in this whole fucking town who knows exactly who he is and what he wants. so, what about you? we'll get into that later. theo, what would you do if you couldn't bowl? i wanted to be a motocross champion. my folks didn't really care what i did. then junior blew a fuse and i became their last hope. most girls get ballet stuffed down their throats, i got bowling. i never understood how anyone could take it so seriously. i hope i'm not insulting you. why were you suspended? so you're hoping buzz can get you re- instated? what's plan b? what do you think my dad's gonna do for you? ha! and what do you have to do for him? oh really? nothing? my dad doesn't do anything unless there's something in it for him. what? be my body guard? here's my body, theo. guard it. for my dad's sake. for your career. sheila starts to unbutton her bowling shirt. come on theo, what about plan c? plan c. . is me. i don't think your new outfit suits you, theo. do you talk with your mom? my mom told me not to stay in this town. i'm a credit card junkie. i went on a binge and my dad bailed me out. now i'm trapped in his easy payment plan. yeah, but they're all little wannabes. i'm looking for a professional man. how much would you charge me for the lips? come on, bargain with me. you professional men drive a hard bargain. i'm afraid i only have five on me. sheila pulls out a 5 dollar bill. you're here. momentary relapse. except for that, he's been making progress. sheila laughs. theo nervously pulls his collar up over the hickey on his neck. junior is like a faithful doggy. he loves his birthday so much, that every year, before we can go pick him up. he breaks out of the hospital and comes home on his own. here they come. she hands the binoculars to theo, who immediately trains them on the road. my mom once had an affair. when my dad found out, he had junior kill the man. the body was never found, but i think junior took him to the alley. theo lowers the binoculars and looks at sheila. lane six. yes. dad, this is ridiculous. just open it. after we eat, dad. do you have to get your hooks into every guy i'm interested in? that's why mom ran away, because you had to control everything! you're using theo for your own deviant purposes! leave him alone! who's there? junior who? you still got the touch junior. it won't come true, junior. don't go near the bowling alley. it wouldn't bother you if buzz was in danger, would it? i'm sure you wouldn't care if he needed your help, right? yeah, what did buzz fazeli ever do for you? and besides, it's probably too late, anyhow. nothing. you know how people with broken bones know when there's a storm coming? no, but something's gonna blow in this town. i can feel it. i can't tell you, theo. i saw your eyes when you hit that guy with your ball on tv. thunder rumbles. theo takes sheila by the shoulders. i'm afraid you'll hurt him. i can't - i can't do it. he's my brother. these open the back door. don't let him catch you behind the machines; if he does, you're trapped. i'll meet you at the bridge. theo takes the keys. sheila grabs his arm. you don't have to do this. we could just cut out of here, go to akron, or anywhere else. it? i told him you were my boyfriend. we would have sooner or later. did you - kill him? tell me what happened theo. if he's not dead, he'll keep coming back. i feel sick. are you sure he's dead? where are you going? can i come with you? once my father walked in on me while i was making barbie and ken do it. he freaked. i was seven. he took all my dolls away from me and cut them in half. he gave the top halves back to me. then he made me watch him burn the bottom halves in the fireplace. theo kneels down nearby and throws a barbie onto the bonfire. it goes up with a i can see junior's face in the fire. why did you come back? if junior finds us, he'll kill us both. you don't get two chances with junior. and you only get two chances with me. what's it gonna be, theo? what's the plan, theo? say something, theo. give me something. a doll's legs catch fire. theo stares into sheila's eyes. theo, buzz is dead. back to plan a. the vicious cycle all over again. theo lets go of sheila. i've been trapped by miles kastle my whole life. she walks over to her scooter, and mounts it. now he's the one who's locked up and i'm the one who's free. if i gotta do this alone, i might as well start now. she revs up and peals out. who said anything about an ultimatum? you want to find your father? get a shovel and start digging. hurry up, he's probably in purgatory by now. sheila makes a pathetic attempt to speed away from theo. he moves up beside her again. i'm pissing you off? i'm doing what i said i'd do. what the hell are you doing? what about your word? what about plan c? your word is so good, you're never gonna give it to anyone. i'm not dumping you, i'm suspending you. suck my dick! very professional. lips still for sale? can you change something this big? you'll owe me.