lane's closed big fellah, league night. you drag that coconut around for your health, or do you know how to use it? no, pinhead, he ain't here to bowl. what do you want with old man faz? if you wanna do business in this town, there's other people around here got more weight than old faz. evening tina. we provide some extracurricular activities for the senior citizens in the community. yeah, basement bingo. you afraid we're gonna steal it? aagh! stop! those are my bowling fingers! breeze, give him his ball back! three whips. to go. we're looking for buzz fazeli, seen him? buzz, mr. kastle wants to talk to you. you know why we call him breeze? look, faz, mr. kastle was not his usual charismatic self today when he told us to tell you. what was that he said? pinhead! don't just blurt it right out. so buzz, let's skedaddle. mr. kastle is waiting. as buzz gets up, theo rises and steps between his father and the two sleazeballs. seems to me like you ain't got much choice buzz. the busyboy! very good, busyboy. what are you gonna do, call the bowling police? you shoulda taken our advice, busyboy. weird, comes into alleys and doesn't bowl. someone gonna get kacked, boss? bowling used to be so pure, so. all- american. breeze sings along with caruso and pretends to conduct. i hate fuckin' opera. how do you know, you don't even speak latin? you got an 8-track tape player on purpose, just 'cause you knew the only thing they had on 8-track was fuckin' opera. you know, elvis bowled. bowling was the most incorruptible sport. no megalomillionaires, no gambling. and it was a safe place for kids, a place where the whole community could meet for some wholesome, clean fun. but not no more. now people take advantage. bowling ain't what it used to be. there's something evil spreading in this sport - like a big, gigantic, puss- ridden - right, eating at the core, eating it's way out. it makes me sick! how do you turn this thing off? gimme that! hello mr. kastle. junior, long time. i thought they locked you up and threw away the warden! don't do it breeze! you ain't getting us into that. if junior thinks you're doing the bouncy- bouncy with his sister, he's gonna tap dance on your spleen. no! nothing going on here, everybody stand back. let him through, ladies. ladies, please. as they start to move through the female throng, a little girl pops out in front of them, holding her ball. you should probably hit the road. go home. this place could get hazardous for your health. you call it stooling, we call it cooperating. breeze looks under theo's car. kastle's daughter's been lookin' for you. she told us you went after junior to save your old man's hide. you got some balls goin' after that psycho. think he bought it? the faz sure took care a her. breeze makes a nasal grunt as he tries to suppress a snigger. sid - trying to keep a straight face - elbows him. sid and breeze approach the coffin. breeze pulls an orange whip out of a paper bag and carefully places it on the coffin lid. see ya 'round faz. your time is up, busyboy. the body was identified along proper bowling congress guidelines for processing a bowling related fatality. ow! ooh! no, please! doc said i'd be back on the planks in a week! show him breeze! breeze pulls a copy of "new york bowler" from his pocket. the headline reads "rub out!:bowling legend kacked by dwarfscam kingpin" with a photo of buzz fazeli. it's official, you're an orphan.