you got to pull over, you got to stop. i'm bleeding. help me. help me. don't shoot me, don't shoot me, i have what you want. i have oh, ah, ah, but you do believe me. i see it. you do. i can get us out. help me. i swear to you. help me. and i will treat you like a brother. i. oh god no! no, no. listen to me. listen. make one call. one call - go in the house. make one call. one call. an aviation company. tell. tell them. tell them the word i say, and they will say: the plane will meet no. i am not. i was thinking. how fucking surprised you're going to be. because, baby, you just did that fucken good turn, going to make you rich, fat, and happy. didn't they tell you? you like girls? we have. you will have. the most beautiful. not women, baby. girls. you got to trust me, i'm the doctor here. all young. all blonde. in dubai. in yemen. what do you have here? if you think you can imagine luxury. i am here to tell you, my friend. when we get to maskala. when we get to dubai, better. that's where we clean them up. we ship them rough, we make them smooth, and everybody's happy. if there's a girl, in the pipeline, tonight, you shall have her, what do you say to that? no, no baby. take it to the bank. the arabs, man. all the oil - all the money in the world. what can't they have? booze and pussy. how do they get it? yeah, no. i'm bleeding bad here, friend.