didn't they tell you not to come? five years ago they told me you were dead. bobby; this is an american girl? if that were so, why don't your people go and fetch her? they send a hitter to negotiate? my question is: have you forgot your catechism? the answer is go home. you're at the big table here. well, then, you better talk to me using the decimal system. and com to what? i cannot give you. yes, but i am not in the boy scouts anymore. you heard the private sector? well. that's where you found me. and here's what it costs. no, you're out of your fucking mind, and you're out of your league, and my advice to you:. before some mercantile soul shops you. . for this job, that's what it costs. that's what it costs you. go home, bobby. maskala is a suburban villa, in dubai. the friends of your friend, operate there, if you will, a "halfway house". for the young women they have induced, coerced or drugged into spending their short lives. as the whores of arabian tourists. of late the girls have been, in the main, from the former sov-bloc. now and again, a north american girl, if she is exceedingly lovely,. blonde, usually blonde. will, unfortunately, find her way to dubai. they travel drugged, they are - - "tidied up", and sold. for some reason, most of them are sold to yemen. the girls are generally held, in dubai, until the end of the month. when the merrymakers fly in to examine them. and take their purchases home. that is "and then". this is a floor plan of the building where the girls are held, this is the security arrangements, this is the watch plan. the girls are taken from the house in maskala, to the royale hotel, i presume you will hit them in transit? i hope not. the conex container for the exfil, also jameson construction. a passport for the young girl. between fifteen and twenty-five, they all look alike. yes. it is. nonetheless, we tried to match it to a current photo. she was there twelve hours ago. how would i know? a gesture of friendship. but. we thought: if you see some of the yemenins - any of these, in particular. would you say hello to them? bobby: the world runs on manners. that's not what i was going to say.