where's the girl? here in boston. come on, let's hear it: ". just some girl" how certain are you she was the girl in the whorehouse? was the girl in the whorehouse? what about your other leads?. the boyfriend, the. professor? you've got the fucken service agent, shot himself. you're you're telling me, your best bet, some cocksuckers nabbed her, took her, took her, they don't know who she is. and they're gonna sell her down the river? the detail agent. was he fucking her? the secret service agent, was he fucking laura newton? you're fucken a right they kill her. okay. good. now: let's talk some commonsense: what can you do for me? . who is that? . get in here. what can you do for me? what can you do for me - i need it now - i need it before the press gets it on monday. cause they will kill her. the jackals start a feeding frenzy, and she's red. help me. you going to stake out the phone? they can track calls to a payphone? how? and where is he? give it to me. here's the deal: . this is the man. . you're covered in blood. how deep is he? yeah, well. he may have to be a little more than on the team. i've been speaking to the father. what about if we had to go "off the meter"? i'm out of time. man to man. i. need. to ask you. to do something. this man. placed a phonecall. yesterday. from the phonebank at lewisberg. to the copley payphone. here's the cut-off-point. . here it is: this man, eli assani, is to be transported, tomorrow, wednesday, with another convict. a man on death row. for their medical procedures. now: i put myself in your hands. didn't i? i reached out to you. i put my life into your hands. i entered into a conspiracy with you. to commit murder. because it needed to be done. i trusted you with my life. i trusted you with my life. and yet you cannot trust me. there are things you have not been told. that's right. and now you're all out-of-line, "play me or trade me" there is an arab world. to penetrate it makes trying to join the mafia look like a walk in the park. how would you do it, scott? we're dying. we're at war. and we have no intelligence. how would you do it? how would you infiltrate their clan structure? where is the interface? it's at the whorehouse. that's where they go to get frisky, and that's where we listen to them. for the few, priceless hints that we get from that fucking sandpile. had the girl been there, we would have moved heaven and earth - you know we would, and, we would have got her out. she was not there. she got drugged up and fell off a boat, and drowned. she's dead. that man, that man a sworn office of the secret service, went to get laid, and she died. and you are risking the lives of men and women in the field, because you won't take orders. how are you better than him? yes. you had best look sheepish. what the fuck have you got to say? you're goddam right. now: where's this new kid who got you all bothered. where's your partner? the fuck you will. you've got nothing to say to him. he's gone to the ground. where is he?