i'm light. i'm light, people. i need another team on the professor, i need an overwatch on the boyfriend. you just come from the cadre. how long since you've slept? you take a team, and bulldog. are you up for it? thank you for coming, bobby. i don't have the bodies. call em in. call em in. what was it about? her haircut. so it wasn't a serious? well, then, we've got a little problem. 23.12 hours, 19 may. harvard yard, northeast corner, lowell house, reveals no secret service presence, neither this post nor adjacent. . a second tour, 23.30, reveals, similarly. who's lying? you or him? we've got until her monday morning class, and then it's meet the press; and "where is she?" who's got the professor? where is he? who's got him? wake him up, shake him up. he don't want to talk. here's what we have him doing with his female students, show 'em to his wife. the photo? here is the last known photo. of the girl. the lab ran it up, based on the testimony of the beauty shop. we have not told boston or cambridge pd, nor have we. you had him in his home. where is he? find him. put the guard on him. get me an overflight. i'm light, i'm light, people. shake the trees. i'm light, here. i'm 25 men light. get 'em in. who's got the coastguard. what's the name of his boat? professor gerald sloane. i've got two days to run in. before the press wakes up. "the colophon - 36-foot sloop". where is she? it hits the papers, and we're done. who is the girl he went to see? get her in. the girl he was fucking. who's got the coastguard. who is she? have you seen this girl? they show you proof of their age. is this the girl? is this her? was she in here? izzat her? it's her, isn't it. she was here. is that her? they don't know who they've got. they just snatched "some young girl". when they find out, they're going to have to. hello. sir, we believe she was abducted, from this club. that she was taken to. that she was taken to a bordello. yessir, and, that. that. that she may have been. that she may have been delivered - for sale - that she may have been sent down the pipeline and overseas. we. sir. the coast guard is on the. sir. the girl? he was off-post, with his girlfriend. sir: this is the number of a public phone in downtown boston. it's a cutout, between the bordello, and the abductors. a call is placed when they have a package to deliver. we have a watch on the phone. more importantly: n.s.a. reports calls placed to that phone. regularly. in this case they can. they were made from a federal prison. this is eli assani. he is a lebanese national, serving life without, for kidnapping. he was the head man in a white slavery scheme. he's in lewisberg. we have a plan. i hesitate to. they've got some action on the payphone. your partner's going to be alright. yeah, well. air force assault is airborne, five minutes out. standing down's a bitch. they'll get her out, if she's in there. you did your part, what the fuck do you want, a citation? where are you going. forget it. there's no room. let him hear the assault on the net. her boyfriend called her a slut. she went off to prove it. her and the professor. coked up, boat capsized. both bodies washed up naked. coast guard dressed 'em up. full of ecstasy. he was fucking her, they're stoned. the boat capsized. so much death. i'm sorry about your man. sir, as he said, he is here to apprise you of a security leak. to call your attention to what may be a problem in discipline with this. he. anton. yes, sir.