you better catch her. your dad's napping on the sofa, your mom's watching let's make a deal, and god is dead. what do you expect me to do? there's always a way. don't you tell me there's no way. how 'bout that? that's called 'adrenaline'. you said you wanted in. this is where you get in. the mugger don't care. the shooter don't care. get up. or i will beat you to death on this fucken hill. now: you better catch her. there's nothing but the mission. well done. thank you, sergeant. i'll remember, sergeant. what's this then? he carry it over there? he come back? well, so. you carry that card, son. it might save your life. . you could use it to light a fire, or something. you never met me. you've been up for a week. you're seeing snakes. make sure you can't imagine it, cause, if you can, it's just one step to doing it. they'll be back where they came from by morning, and all this is just a bad dream. do i need to know? if i want camaraderie, i'll join the masons. there's just the mission. not at all, sir. weather permitting, sir. yeah. you wanted to know the 'secret knowledge'. ". betty coed, has hair of red for harvard" why not? 4pm. cut n'curl. met with her boyfriend at ten. then? he's on post until he turned her over to the nightwatch? who else you got? where is he? for sure? yes sir. not significant. sir, "this marine pisses av gas and farts blackpowder, sir." are you kidding, sir? you son of a bitch, i've got fifteen years in, and three kids, and you're gonna sit there, and lie away my pension. don't you tell me you were there. you lying swine. don't you tell me you were on post! i've got him. whatever it takes, sir. could i see your hands, son? l. newton. you lose your mailbox key, mr. newton? you a student here? could i see some identification, please? mr. newton? ten-twelve patrol, requesting. calm down, son. it's gonna be what it's gonna be. laura. laura newton? laura newton? is that 'the' laura newton? who? the secret service? they didn't clear you for this. i have to call it in. you tried the bell, you called her. mzz newton? mz newton. this is campus security. mz newton? this is not very nice language. how old is this girl? "everything that's going to happen to her". what was going to happen to her? you hurt her? did y'hit her, son? why? where is she? why? what is this sign? who called her that? why'd you fight with her, son? beautiful young girl like that. we've all seen her pictures. what'd you care how she dyed her hair? what'd you care? why's that make her a slut? she seeing another fella? . just between us. off-the- record, son. i was young once, too. i know that nothing hurts worse than that. she seeing another guy? she sleeping with a teacher? the regency, what's that? the parents? he was? he copped to what? uh huh. gimme your coat. i need five thousand dollars. how long do we have? sir? no. note? no. i've got it. can i have some backup? we're scraping the bottom of the barrel here, aren't we? you sign it. come on, wallflower. now: your mouth shut. your eyes open, and form on me. here's where we're going. don't look at him. don't look at the downed man. he's dead. kick the fool overboard. i'd hate to be the lucky duck who frisked him. yeah. well, apparently, he felt bad about it. no, no. i just came buy to pay you that money i owe you. how about them sox, huh? "curse of the bambino". nice place you got here. yeah, you know, actually, i was just looking for my daughter. i. uhh. no, i. oh, no. abso, absolutely. girl like that been in tonight? none prettier. yeah. i'm looking for a girl like that. well, why would a, one of these 'younger girls'. what would they want to do with me? hello. i wonder if you could help me. my friend says that you're. you're sort of a 'matchmaker'. i was looking for a girl. a young girl. my, my, my, my, my, my question was: why would a young girl want to go out with an older man like me? and, if you could "answer" that. don't touch the piece, don't touch the piece, don't touch the piece, th'out your gloves on. you seen this girl before. you seen her tonight? pull him up. now it's broken. what's her name? you don't know her name, then who is she? some 'girl', some 'pal' of yours? where is she now? oh no. oh no. this isn't rohypnol. is it? izziz rohypnol? is this "rho"? izziz a one-sided conversation? whatzisname? donny. donny: where's the girl? you dose her? where is she? donny? what is this? ten, what is it, fifteen thou? for what? oh, alright, then we've got to let you go. where'd you take the girl, donny? you touch his piece? good. that's not what girl? where'd you take her? put your glove on. pick up his pistol. two knees, the other elbow, mozambique. you bet your life. okay, then. beautiful night. you left something back inside. they got some young girls up there? you see this girl? where's number fourteen? where's number fourteen? make him watch it. this here, sir. this is a piece of cardboard. "i-i-i" - what are you, carmen miranda? no, baby. today we got the barter system. and you best pray to god you got something to trade. i thought when you wanted to pet little girls, you picked on your daughter. ain't that what you rich people do. now you step off the reservation and you want to buy me? where is this girl. your lawyer ain't going to help you. want to guess 'why'? y'understand the picture. he's with me. she was here. she was here, where is she? where is she? she was here - she was here. who did you call. how did they know, to come get her? we just go where we're sent and do what we're told when we get there. they kill her. who's walking up on us? who is he? always a reflective surface. ". in the city, always a reflection. in the woods. always a sound" you don't want to go into the desert. what is this? take it off. . the ring clicks against your riflestock, some sonobitch hears that noise, hundred yards out, and you're gonna get me killed. where's he going? that's where he's going? izzey going toward essex? . what sort of place is it? get me there. get on the net. call 'em off. everyone off. just me. just me and him. nobody out there. just. him. you indicate that you heard me. put it out. how you doing bright eyes? breathe through your nose. it stills the heartrate. you got my back. alright, then. don't you go through the door without an overwatch. i heard the tv, so i came in. what the hell you got the tv on for, there's nobody here? i don't wanna hurt you. why would i hurt you? i just wanna know why the tv's on. i just wannit to know, i just came to ask you that question. i'm coming up. call em in. where's the girl? you're dying, pal. even it up. where is you're dying. you're dying, man. where is the girl. well, you wanted to know. yeah, everybody wants to know the secret knowledge. tell it to the chaplain. ah, shit. sir, it ain't mine. on my team, sir. he's on the team. with the mission, sir. the door's closed, sir. i am here to get the girl back. shut up. shut up. drag him out. . got some business to do. sorry, my man. traveling light. why in the world would i believe a lying convict like you. my brother used to beat me nice guess, though. you a fag my friend? then why the hell you looking at me? just get me on that plane. all i heard's a voice on the phone. better question, where you've been so long, do you like girls? most beautiful women, eh? and this all takes place where? well, that's a long way from tiperrary, pal. yeah, but i'm not cut out, to live in a fucken tent. well, may it just be so. and, now, what's maskala? what's maskala? well, then, you're a philosopher. huh? how 'bout making me happy tonight. i say you're a stone cold whoremaster. you the candy man? is that it? ah. hell. yeah, we just, we got to get some. yeah, you need, all we need, some tailoring tools. yeah, in my wishlist, we had a drugstore, get us some morphine, some. don't whisper to me, baby, it draws heat. what helo? well, there you go, then. that's all fine, lad, "but this is the fleet". gimme whatever nine mil you've got. just gimme the mags. . gimme your piece. thank you. i do not look at the downed man, sir. sir? i stand down when the girl's back, sir. on the dustoff. sir? sir? i'm pleading with you, sir. i want to see the girl. he killed her. rock crushes scissors. he isn't my man, sir. he's a trainee. what do you care? in what way was that? what? do you want some more dope? whaddaya want, a dr. pepper? yeah, well, that's when people generally do fuck up. wait for that to kick in. you're gonna take that fight to bed for a while. you don't got to do it all now. uh huh. you saw-the-sign. what sign? the girl wasn't there. she was on a boat. she fell off the boat. she's dead. you did what you could. you did what you were trained to do. you did what you could. then you are truly blessed. would be most grateful, sir, to be included on the mission. "at such time" is it in contemplation, sir? yes, sir. if and when, sir. please don't touch that. don't you study knife fighting, son. you learn to kill. and then, f'you meet some other fellow, studied knife fighting, you send him to hell. i've always thought so. he did okay. he did okay. why? you goin' out? you recruiting? you speak arabic, huh? you, reason i ask: you going in the sandbox? i'm just saying: beautiful girl. no, i was looking at the television. i was talking to the television. that girl's too good-looking for you anyway. what are you "rich"? what do you, "own" something? or are you "funny" or something? siddown. lemme buy you a drink. you peel the apple? well. you should wipe off the blade. or else. or else, it "rusts". d'i scare you? i'm sorry if i frightened you. yeah. i got it from a russian fellow. no. as i remember, he seemed rather reluctant to part with it. it's just a knife. workin hard. how you, billy? you been lookin' at my house? mr. reese, how are you? that new saw blade come in? i took the long way home. could i see your right hand, please? could i see it, please? you put your wedding ring back on. then i have to guess you're not "on assignment". you're in the wrong place, baby. how did you find me? well, i guess i'm not as smart as i thought i was. "you saw the sign". you were up for a week, you coulda seen jack ruby, you don't know what you saw. your first-time-out. then, you tell me: you saw the sign, how is it, they found the girl, the dna. why would they do that? her father? her father would do that to her? well. you're living in a fairyland of your own devising. you're seeing snakes. you got. to leave it for your betters. why would you want to know? listen up, pal. they don't go through the door. we don't ask why. that's not a cost, it's a benefit. because we got to travel light. you wanna lose sleep over it, get over it, or get out. you wanted to go through the looking glass. how was it? was it more fun than miniature golf? why would i do you a favor? fella wants to buy my car. well what were they paying you for? my name ain't bobby. back? they took it apart with a tweezers. what would that be? he was off boffing his girl. yeah? sir, i am not here to question. and. and. sir. if i may. when the operation is staged in dubai. i am merely saying, when - i'd like to finish what i started. is there no operation in dubai? i heard it was a training accident. i've been out of town. i do not follow you, sir. i would never betray you, sir. no excuse, sir. i'll call him off. terrible thing. did you know him? you know. yes. i did. a few of us knew. i'm so sorry. did she know? his wife. did she know? after his shift. him? driving him? did you say "him"? where are you? no. tell me later. look: look: forget the boat house. look: yes, tell me in. tel. look: tell me when. get out of there. ohmigod. what the hell are you doing? why're you screwing with the door? why're you screwing with the door? yeah. thanks. you're right, i'm wrong. i'm wrong. there you go, pal. hold on. it's been. quite a while since my last confession. that. that "transpired". on the rear face of a hill, in a mortar attack. and i confessed that i was frightened. and i have to confess, i'm frightened now. 'nother "irregular confession". i'm about as frightened as i'm comfortable being. and that's why. i involved you. which, i suppose, was shameful. this girl's alive. a relative? well. can we blame her? united states secret service. he'd let her die? her father would let her die? her mother? i need some money. i'm going to get the girl back. i need money. i need a lot of money. alright. can you go this high, that's what i need. well, i guess i wasn't paying attention. you want to gossip, or you want to do business? if that were so? and what's the answer? yeah, that's a good one. i know where i am. your intel. two men. infil, exfil, hardware, and com. well, you could, when you where in the boy scouts. yeah. you're out of your mind. that's what it costs? remember me? well, i guess you do have friends in high places. i mean here you are home, n'all. and now we're gonna see if you also got all that money that you spoke of. this here's a short subject, if you know what i mean. of you in carnal congress with an underage girl. a prostitue, a minor, and i want what you promised me. yeah, but you haven't made a deal with me. so, today is your lucky day, cause you get to do, what most men only dream of: you get to make another human being happy. you had your fun, now pay for it, jim. get your bank on the phone. we're going to transfer some money. "how about that". yes. and that's the difference between you and me. and then? "jameson construction". they know we're there? is that your experience? who took the photo? what does the bonus cost? who else have you done a favor for, avi? the last third on exfil, in geneva. me and the girl. as agreed. what were you going to say? . the last third in geneva. fourteen, fifteen, sixteen. it's good. it's very good. the charge takes the car out. we got the flashbangs fore and aft, you hit the driver, follow down the driver's side, the car ain't going nowhere, the muscle gets out, i cap em, i go with the girl. you exfil on your own, we're on to the airport. at the airport. when we hit the conex. when you seal us in. you walk away. i cannot have heat on it. now: i know: that you want to protect the package. but: you have to walk away. and que sera, sera. it's an appleseed. yeah, i'm just a man of peace. stay by me. i'm going to take care of you. you hold on, now. you remember, baby, we went to high school together. you dropped your earring. you're picasso, right? that's who you are. no, baby, you're going home. you're just taking the long way home. i told you to stay on the bed. you're going travelling. we're going to take a little trip. put that away. y'can't smoke it. american tobacco. smell. carry. in the desert air. put that on. over your head. whole world likes blondes. that's why you're here. put the bandana on. keep it together. keep it together, or i'm gonna give you a shot and carry you out. that's right. they sent me. that's right. one riot, one ranger, you ever hear that? well, there you go. no. i think we went to different schools. put the bandana on. yeah - i heard that one. i didn't ask you. you just keep it together. you put this on. you. a little walk-in-the-park. see there? what was that? what was your mistake? i'm certain of it. no, no. come on baby. come on, come on girl: just walk to the plane: just get on the plane. walk to the plane. shussh, baby. shussh. shussh. it's going to be alright. this's going to make everything allright. laura. no. let the girl go home. why can't the girl go home? what is the secret knowledge? the girl ain't dead, baby, you're dead. you see: that's the difference. no, i just wanted to bring the girl back. that's right, she's safe. that's right, baby.