ithought we had a deal. when he hears the voice, he lifts his head and we see a huge man with a body like a cement-lined safe, sitting behind a desk, lighting a cigar. this well-dressed fixer is cruncher block. i thought we were friends. he blows a cloud of smoke and watches it float up to the chandelier which is jiggling steadily. maybe where you come from, this is how you treat your friends, but 'round here we don't take to kindly to this kind of thing, do we fellas? thug #1 steps in and wails away on him again. problem is, i like you katsu. cruncher grins, his teeth like stacked dice. and i got a real soft spot in my heart for that sister of yours. he begins opening a large package wrapped with butcher paper. -inside is a bloody rack of ribs. normally in a situation such as this we would be pouring you a nice comfy pair of cement shoes, but. he stands and goes to the large glowing fish tank that is behind the desk. i think i got another solution. he dips the bloody meat into the tank filled with piranha. the water foams as the carnivorous fish shred flesh from bone. how're my babies doing? huh? hungry? ready for seconds? boys! they grab katsu and haul him to the fishtank. you even think about turning rat and next time it's your sister going in there. what?! is it him? can you see him yet? get him! everyone leaps into action, shoving katsu back into a chair. filling their fists with guns, sliding open murder holes slots at a variety of heights. cruncher barks into the phone. crush him! where is he? gotcha. he fires a mini-rocket straight at the manta-finned car-- but with a quick feint left the rocket skims by, exploding further down the highway. something flashes on the back car as hidden tubes iris open and the barrels of several weapons extend out. aww, i thought you fixed that! the black car fires again, bullets ricocheting inside, puncturing a hole in the fish tank. my babies! he runs to the fish tank and tries to stop the water pouring out of the hole. he sticks his finger in and the fish immediately attack. he shrieks withdrawing his finger. vinny put your finger in there! vinny doesn't want to. do it! pull over but don't stop. yeah . i wanna send someone a present. enough! i can't stand the whining! it's simple. we have a team of wild cards. the problem is these wild cards are better drivers than you. prove it. take out katsu. the other two will quit. they ain't checkered yet. don't do it! they raise their hands. on the ground! now! they get on.the floor. horuko stands and cruncher whips his gun around to her. what the-- katsu snatches cruncher's gun and the fixer is too stunned to do anything to stop it. you-cheater. the security team seizes hold of him. but if you're here, who's--? haven't ya heard? cheaters never prosper. this is called a change of plan. now freed, one of the thugs tosses him a gun. the new plan-- what was it, again? break your legs, make you.walk back? i like that. he stands smiling in front of racer x. but first, i think it's time to play a little peek-a-boo, i-see- you. get that monkey! the goons are confused, distracted, and before they can control it, the fight is on-- racer x throws the thug holding him-- speed and trixie dish out equal measures of chop-socky and good of american slug-fu as-- pops grapples and wrestles his goon into a head-lock. racer x hammers cruncher to the ground where he sees his gun, scrambling for it but just as he reaches for it-- katsu steps on his hand. it's a short quick turn around and--