--let us hope he does not make the same mistakes that his older brother made-- --he is not alone out there, he is chasing someone, he is chasing the ghost of rex racer-- --it is always the brightest star that burn out the fastest-- --still in prison to this day, benelli was rumored to be behind the casa cristo tragedy-- the two cars swerve, heading for a collision as we cut-- --escaping the dark shadow of his older brother-- the checkered flag goes up, ready as the two cars come screaming towards the finish line-- the large digital clock seemingly synchronized with the past as--. speed looks over at the ghost car, the faintest smile on his lips as he sees his older brother and then-- takes his foot off the accelerator, letting rex's car surge ahead, crossing just before speed. the time is just over the record causing disappointment to ripple through the crowd except for-- the racer family who seem both relived and happy. zut alors! what a race!