whack! whack! whack! a thug soundly slaps the face ofa handsome japanese man. when the beating is over, the japanese man slumps forward, his arms behind his back. cruncher signals to the man at the far end of the room who is guarding the door. the guard slides open a peek-a- boo slot and sees a pair of headlights. cruncher flips over the top of his desk revealing the controls for a mini-machine gun located on the bottom of the truck. he grabs the controls which are linked to an infrared sighting camera. cruncher, hits another button and he front grill of the truck opens, dropping the lower half like the double- hinged jaw of a snake. an apache helicopter-style rocket launcher thrusts out of the darkness. cruncher sights the car. cruncher thinks fast over vinny's screams. he looks at katsu and immediately knows what he has to do.