caviar, shrimp and lobster are being set out on trays of ice beneath a glistening ice sculpture of.the grx. the elite hobnob, champagne flutes flashing between feathered hats and waxy smiles. the okamotos raise their glasses to mushi. concerned, knitted brows search the room in quiet panic while in private-- horuko allows herself the faintest smile. the knuckles of remmington's fist crackle as he wrings the tension. remmington relaxes as speed falls further off the leader pace. people begin drifting away from remmington as he feels the walls close in around him. people abandon the televised images, wanting to watch this miracle, to see it with their own eyes. remmington can't take it, losing all pretense of decorum. remmington screams, overturning a table of caviar and lobster, crashing the elaborate ice sculpture of the grx at the feet of mushi who turns and walks away in disgust. the smiles of katsu and his father are gone giving horuko no end of secret joy.