these well lit hallways are extra wide with lots of colored guide lines on the floor like. in a hospital. the hall widens allowing a special lane that leads out onto an observation deck that over looks the main t-180 factory. the bank of windows overlooks the enormous facility. it is a state of the art assembly line that rises vertically, instead of horizontally. the chassis arrives at the bottom and is born up by a mechanical arm, rotating as each platform assembles the next piece. the far wall is nothing but glass providing a sun- drappled_vista of cosmopolis. the cart arrives at an elevator station, and the driver presses a signal control the doors opening immediately. sprittle and chim-chim are joy riding in the maintenance cart, weaving back an forth, wiping people out. chim-chim screams with glee. a security guard glides out of one of the red secured area doors on a segway. several technician carts and trollies carrying auto parts pass by a single lab technician who staggers, drunkenly up to a red restricted area window. sprittle peaks out of the lower half of the lab coat, chim-chim wearing the helmet, balances on his shoulder. in the window they see a lab where they are testing a "spear---hook;" a secret attacking device that shoots out from one car and grabs hold of the undercarriage of another car. as they realize what they are looking at, a security goon comes gliding up behind them on his seg-way. 5: