always great to be here. such a beautiful city. that's right bob. there were a number of fatalities several years ago. it really had a bad reputation for a while. most of the t-180 drivers wouldn't come near it. obviously he is an extremely talented and disciplined driver. i think he drives like he'is not always interested in winning. but remember colton, these are standard road cars, not t-180s. i know a lot of t-180 drivers who i raced against who expected to win but found out racing a few laps on a track is a totally different animal than a cross-country rally. exactly. this isn't just about going fast. it's about endurance. more than anything, winning casa cristo is a test of will. to compete in this race, you really have to have a killer instinct. any sign of weakness or timidness is like blood in the water and you'll see how fast this race turns into a feeding frenzy. the league has done a tremendous job to clean rally racing up. while it's true there have been a few bad apples, on the'whole most teams stay within league rules. he winks into the camera. or at least try not to get caught. oh my god! did i just see that!? i know he blew up at fugi, but this kid is flat out magic! they made excellent time. okamoto is still a couple of minutes behind them. you kiddin' me? he just tore snake a new tailpipe! those roads can really ice up. very dangerous. uh-oh. they better send the emergency trailer-- here we go again. the maltese ice caves. oh no! he did.not! he did not just do that! this kid is unbelievable! oh my god, he's got a gun! could have been altitude sickness, it gets crazy up there--