well you know, his father designs racing cars. he's-working. he couldn't make it. no, rex is his older brother. why? sprittle! that's not for you to say. that's for speeed to decide. the phone rings again. sprittle grabs it quickly. come on, champ. rise and shine. breakfast's ready. to the speed's hair.seems to remain asleep, still molded pillow as he tries to push himself up. that's enough of that, hon. pops puts down the paper and sparky picks it up. are you hungry, mr. remmington? do you like pancakes? i'm glad you like them. i can give you the recipe, mr. remmington. he's our youngest. sprittle. i've never flown so low through the city. you could say that. oh honey, you looks so handsome. sparky. that's enough. sprittle! speed? are you okay? it'll be okay. we'll get through it. how? don't be silly. you'd have never been happy driving for that terrible man. now you listen to me, young man. what you do behind the wheel of a racecar has nothing to do with business. before you could even talk, you were making noises that sounded like a car engine. we used to tell people you were speaking car-ese. we used to try to take you to the park but you never wanted to get out of the car. and do you remember the time rex took you out to thunderhead and let you drive-- speed smiles. my heart still pounds just thinking about it. i thought your father was going to have a stroke when you walked in the door with that crazy smile. i don't think i ever saw you as happy as you were telling anybody who asked, how you lost your two front teeth in your first crash. speed, when i watch you do some of the things you do, i feel like i'm watching someone paint or play music. when i go to the races, i go to watch you make art and it's beautiful and inspiring and everything that art should be, even though there are times when i have to close my eyes. but then there are other times, when you just take my breath away and it's at those moments, when i feel your father's chest swell and i know he's smiling, trying to pretend he doesn't have tears in his eyes, i just go to pieces. because i am so impossibly proud to be your mother. and even though your father doesn't say it, he is too. she puts her arms around him. don't worry. we'll figure this out. we just have to stick together. something good will happen. you'll see. ding dong. the front doorbell chimes. here you are, mr. x. sprittle points at racer x. okay, you two. that's enough. pops, if they're staying, then we're staying. i suggest we try to do everything we can to make sure we go home together. toe with pops fumes working his jaw, standing toe to speed. your father loves you speed. he's just afraid that-- you wouldn't lie to your mother would you?