no. he's going to be the best. the crowd swarms around speed's car. if they don't destroy him first. i didn't save anything worth saving unless you get smart. real fast. racer talks without looking at him. you thought you could take on the cartel. you can't. not without help. you won the cortex invitational and you weren't supposed to. you did it to save okamoto engineering. and now someone else wants it. the only way you can stop it from happening is to talk to the authorities. you have been on cruncher block's leash long maybe you forgot how it feels to stand up and be a man. the only way you'll ever stop these people is to bring them to justice. get out. wearing his smirk like a cheap suit, katsu gets out. you won't finish. when you lose, if you can still dial a phone, call this number. he hands him a card. the card reads; chief inspector this is a bad idea. we're going to need some insurance for this race. minx clicks away at a keyboard while a digital mach 5 rotates on a screen. minx builds my cars. i got him. let's skip the niceties and cut to the chase. katsuarches an eyebrow. the only reason we're here is because you needed two outsiders and because the chief inspector believes you'll turn over your. file on remmington and block. racer x eyes him. i don't believe it. i don't trust anyone who needs this kind of deal before they'll bring a criminal to justice. the accusation hangs in the air. but i'm willing to take a chance that you'll prove me wrong. we'll see. until then you have my word that i will do everything.i can to make sure you checker at bartimaeus. katsu smiles. any obvious crime would allow the chief inspector to shut the race down. that kind of scrutiny would only hurt the business. they'll do as much as they can to make it appear legit. speed nods. the real problem we'll have is after the: first leg. corteges is going to be extremely dangerous. take my advice, keep your family away from cortega. speed again looks out at moruko on the balcony. he's not alone. this surprises me. tyrus is a good man. i wouldn't expect him to turn head-hunter. they aren't pulling any punches. lead him-- wing left. get out of there! - don't fall apart yet. there's still a lot of race to run. katsu jerks free of racer x and storms towards the door immediately enveloped by his security team. speed looks at racer x as though he can suddenly see through the mask. a c.i.b. man will be posted outside your door. we got their attention today. you and trixie should be very careful tonight. speed nods as racer x heads for the door. if you say so. he turns away leaving speed alone. narcolyte benzamine. a highly effective and debilitating drug. stays in the system for hours, but leaves with no trace. no you won't. you can't drive a car. you can barely stand up. katsu leaps to his feet. speed, you're too tight! the cars bounce and speed takes a hit, spinning for moment before he regains control. speed mumbles to himself. children, focus! if we're going to have a chance we're going to have to pass snake before the rendezvous. take 'em. then let's move it. we got some time to eat up. what's he doing here? do what he'd do; break his legs and let him walk back. horuko bows to trixie. looks like another change of plan. are you all right? the next cave's a rattler. we'll make our move in there. now. the cars split apart, racer x leading the charge as-- sparks flash as with the cross of swords, metal striking metal and-- the ice-crusted walls sparkle with star-bursts of speed! we did our part. make sure you do yours. racer x stares at katsu whose face is as expressionless as a mask but it feels as though racer x can see right through it. jeezus, kid. you can drive. i haven't been thrown like that in years. the inspector told me what happened., i came looking for you. thought you'd take it hard and maybe do something stupid. because you're a fighter. and a friend. you mean your brother? no. i'm sorry speed but your brother is dead. he pulls his mask back on. don't be. i'm sure where ever your brother is, he is immensely proud of you. for trying to make a difference. from what i've read, that's all he tried to do. it doesn't matter if racing never changes. what matters is if we let racing change us. everyone of us has to find the reason to do this. you don't climb into a t- 180 to be a driver. you do it because you're driven. that's obvious. at fuji, you were trying to prove something. at cristo, you were looking for justice. neither are the reason you belong behind a steering wheel. sorry. that's for you to figure out. he climbs back into his car. i just hope when you do, i'm there. to see it. he roars away leaving speed alone. speed racer? speed turns, taking a moment to realize the handsome millionaire playboy in the tux is unmasked racer x. he glances down at speed's belongings and sees a picture of rex. careful. listen to it. don't kill the starter. it already has. he turns and takes minx by the arm. if i did, then it's a mistake i have to live with. he walks away while---