mr. racer, i have been an ardent admirer of your work for years. i remember the first time i saw the prototype for the mach-1, i told everyone that it didn't belong on a race track, it belonged in an art museum. pops chuckles. no, sir. she was a revelation. he suddenly smells the pancakes. oh, dear. i interrupted your breakfast. is that pancakes, i smell? a figure like mine requires constant attention, mrs. racer. when i was a child we used to say, "pankuken zin liesben." neither of them speak german. pancakes are love. gorgeous, mrs. racer. superb density. hints of vanilla. cinnamon. absolutely gorgeous. like them? i want to-buy your recipe. he takes out his hand held computer and beings making notes. nonsense. cenestro foods, a sub- division of remmington industries is planning a new range of home- cooked meals for travelers and this is just the kind of magic we're looking for. i'll have my attorney draw up the paperwork. mom looks at pops feeling flattered but again a distinct discomfort. now, then. we all know the reason i'm here is because of you, speed. i was watching last night and i have to tell you young man, you gave me goosebumps. i know at once, this was no mere driver i was watching. this was an artist. speed's ears go a bit red. i appreciate modesty, speed but i do not exaggerate when is ay that you are a genius. watching you reminded me of why i love racing and i am grateful for that. thank you. i imagine the phone has been ringing off the hook. is this your manager then? nice to meet you, youngster. excellent. the first thing i want to make perfectly clear is that i have no intention whatsoever of trying to get speed away from racer motors. what you have here is what teams spend years and millions of dollars trying to achieve: chemistry. car designer, mechanic and driver all coming together in perfect, harmony. i wouldn't dare touch a thing. to help. i want to make sure you have access to whatever resources you need to continue doing exactly what you are doing. i like when my partners have a sense of humor. and that's what i'm talking about. a partnership. an alliance between your amazing family and mine. that's exactly what remmington industries is to me, a family. like yours. just a little bigger. pops isn't exactly buying it. none taken. i completely understand. i sympathize. strike that-- i sympathize. you may think of r. i. as a huge corporate conglomerate but i will have you know sire, that i still remember working all night on a commodore 64 in the basement of my foster parents' home. i build r.i. from below the ground up. so while remmington industries may look like a major sponsor to you, it remains in my heart as independent to me as the first day i quit my job at globocom to work for myself. they're 're stunned into silence, while remmington presses on. now i've had this wonderful opportunity to meet your family. all i am asking is for you to please give me the chance to introduce you to.mine. special permit. only six of them are granted a year. no doubt in my mind; young man. given the right circumstances, i have no doubt whatsoever. this is gennie. she's our talent manager. ask for anything, her job's to make it come true. to make an informed decision you'll need to understand how we take care of our drivers. the tailor finishes quickly as an electric cart, the kind designed for a group tour pulls up. all abroad. remmington tower is the crown jewel among the properties that i control. it functions as the corporate headquarters for he top twelve divisions of our parent corp. one big industries family. the turn a corner heading for a large set of doors with the double "r" logo of remmington racecars. of all the 143 companies that i control, none of them is as dear to my heart as the t-180 division. the door opens as they enter--- i've always felt that it is impossible to peer into the window of tomorrow without a clear view of the past. this is our operating theater where our patented refusion energy distributor network is installed in the turbine drive. sparky's eye light up. it is indeed. sparky shoots a look at pops. we control the only transponder foundry in the world outside of mushi motors in taiobi. the window suddenly turns into a mirror. oops. sorry. trade secrets. now, i'll take you up to the team remmington training facility. the west door opens and the cart glides out into a new tramway which is not as industrial feeling as the first one, decorated with a vinyl wainscotting and slightly up- graded lights. the higher you go in the remmington tower, the nicer the halls are decorated. as you know, a t-180 driver's got to be in peak physical condition. across from the gym is a smaller window where the typical anaerobic test is being conducted on a female driver. she is running on a treadmill with lost of wires hooked up to her while several doctors not their approval at the read- outs. no expense is spared to make sure that when our driver's suit up they are as perfectly tuned as the machines they are controlling. the next window is a massive centrifuge; a huge mechanical arm whipping around a small capsule that blasts past the window. the best driver must be able to withstand over 4-gs of force in a typical race. i hope i didn't care you, speed with how hard we push our team. i just wanted you to see how serious we are committed to winning. good. but also understand that r.i. isn't all work and no play. the door opens revealing the drivers' club. stop the cart. jack! jack, come here. there's someone i want you to meet. cannonball saunters over, wearing his two goiter-sized, diamond-encrusted champion rings. speed racer allow me to introduce two-time grand prix winner, five time wrl champion and future hall of famer, jack cannonball taylor. thanks, jack. jack nods and the cart pulls away but not before jack shoots a backward glance at speed that feels like a shank in a prison yard. we treat our thoroughbreds the way they deserve to be treated. he guides them into the room gesturing or demonstrating all of the amenities. there's full maid service of course with a personal chef and a masseuse available 24. 7. the staff arrives, wheeling in several racks of clothes: daywear, sportswear, racing uniforms and stylish evening wear. gennie holds up one of the suit to speed. so mrs. racer, what do you think about my family? impressed? good. i want you to understand the possibilities that exist for your son right now. pops furrows his brow. what's wrong mr. racer? very sharp, speed. suits you perfectly. regardless of what happens, i want you to have all of it. a gift. so, how are you feeling speed? speed isn't sure. he looks at trixie and sparky and then at his parents. you think that maybe there's something that could work out here? everyone waits, staring at him. this isn't the kind of offer i go around making ever day, son. stop. right there. you're right. you should think about it. i'm sure you're feeling a bit overwhelmed. you should take a little time. think about what you saw and heard here and we'll get together early next week. deal? he reaches his hand out and speed takes it with some obvious relief. the new grx has a super charged inner-positive transporter and will be capable of speeds in excess off 800 kilometers an hour. mushi nods. one would expect. you know what i want and i know that for the last few years you have been trying to buy out your main rival tetsua okamoto. the question is, can we make a deal? the car rotates, rising up on its mechanical arm, a cybernetic giant, exercising its might. done. remington smiles as they shake hands. speed! gennie leaves speed, returning to the elevator, as remmington crosses to him. he hugs him welcome back! come. sit. sit. can i get you something to drink? water? bubbly? a shot of rye? speed smiles sheepishly. so, i can see you have given some serious thought to this thing. good. that means that you understand that we are talking about not just your future, but your family's future. i know. i can tell. that's why this is so important. because you can help them. all you have to say is yes. that is all i need to hear and i can make so many things happen for you, and your family. are you ready for that? are you ready to say yes, speed? you poor, naive, chump. he chuckles again. i'm going to pretend i didn't hear that load of sickening schmaltz and i am going to give you a bit of an education. at the end of it if you're smart, you'll thank me and hen you'll sign that contract. look. there is the true spirit of the golden age of racing. benjamin braddack, diamond dave tweksbury, reginald white, oliver potter, and george wheeler. the five most powerful men in the world at the turn of the last century. as he talks we flash back to jittery old footage and photographs of the golden era. for all intensive purposes they created the modern automotive industry. but the true stroke of their genius was the invention of the wrl, the world's first racing league. remmington leads speed past several personal mementos including the first motor of his first car, the first milk bottle from victory lane,.a black and white from an important race. in front of an enlarged picture of ben burns from the infamous '43 prix is a twisted and scorched piece of metal set on a pedestal like a gorgeous piece of art. interesting that you and your father were so moved by the '43 prix. one of the great finishes in the history of racing, right? everyone remembers burns and dugazi slugging it out, but who remembers carl potts? driving a rebuilt wittigan for iodyne . industries, potts spun out in the second lap and went down as a dnf. a forgettable and pathetic finish. so bad, that afterwards iodyne stock dropped six points. again we see the history told in flashback. meanwhile, ben burns sat guzzling cold fresh milk in victory lane, a thousand cameras taking his picture, sirrus aeronautics saw almost a twelve point gain which immediately block penninsula power cell from being able to afford the price of a complete take-over. this put joel goldman, the ceo of iodyne inc. in the exact position he wanted to be in. by first buying controlling interest in his own company at a devalued price, he then brokered a merger with sirrus that immediately sent iodyne into the gains record book-- the only record book that matters. look out that window, there isn't a single plane or helicopter or k- harrier that isn't powered by iodyne fuel cells. that's what racing is about. it has nothing to do with cars, or drivers. all that matters is power and the unassailable might of money. his greed is as tangible as any drug. do you understand? burns knew he was going to win. it was already decided. a week before the prix, goldman and sirrus met with several other major players at the carlyle hotel. they met there as they had for years, just as their fathers had met, and as their sons and heirs will still meet. they met to negotiate the finish order of the grand prix. no race is more important and no race is more controlled. that year goldman was supposed to win, but he knew if he sold his win to sirrus, whatever that win might be worth, was nothing compared to what could be gained. he turns back to the twisted piece of crash metal. that's why i paid three million dollars for this burnt and twisted piece of metal. because it reminds me of what really matters. this is the true heart of racing boy! this is my religion! speed is aghast. you don't know how many times i have seen that same cow-eyed "say it isn't so" look of disbelief. every bumpkin who comes in from the sticks looks exactly like you do now. i won't bother proving it to you. if you walk away from me, if you walk out of.this deal, you'll know how true it is soon enough. so, last chance. what's it going to be, speed? your father's little fantasy bubble? or are you going to join the rest of us adults, here in reality? what's this? he looks and sees the shoes and suit. listen to me and listen good kid, because i'm going to give you one more history lesson. you're going to go to fuji-- in quick, collage cuts we see -- but you won't win. you won't place. more collage cuts-- soon after that there will be litigation against some of your father's designs. the legitimacy of the lawsuits won't matter. they will be enough to discredit his company. whatever contracts he has, he'll lose. within a year he will be filing for bankruptcy. after that, you and the rest of your pathetic family will be history. the threat hangs in the air like a loaded gun between them. as i'm sure you're aware, the okamoto stock fell another four points yesterday. in the next few days it will hit bottom and they will have to sell. the car roars through its elliptical path like a circling electron binding the two tycoons together. mushi won't do too badly either. mushi nods. cannonball circles, everything in apparent harmony until gennie leans in and whispers. who? ineptitude? is this what i pay you for? if. they do, i assure you it will be a very costly mistake for everyone. he hangs up. mr. mushi-- i understand there is a problem, but i assure you there is no need to panic. perhaps your definition of "solved" is different from mine. get me. tetsuya okamoto. congratulations mr. okamoto. very impressive race. that's outrageous! the price is barely above 50! this is extortion! blackmail! i'll sue you! tie up every asset you own up for the next 20 years! wait! he grinds his molars until they are smooth. seventy-eight a share. i'll have the papers drawn up. i swear to you mr. mushi when the grx is revealed at the grand prix and then captures the black and white checkers the demand for our transponder engines will go through the roof. mushi.smiles. ladies and gentlemen, behold the future. it's black, shiny, and beautiful in a malefic way. what madness is going on here? where did you get that? this is preposterous! he can't be allowed to race. it's too late. what?! do you have any idea what that would cost? are you insane? you'll regret this. a million dollars to the driver that takes racer out. i prefer him to not even make it out of the locker room. cannonball smiles as remmington starts to turn. we're installing a spear hook on the grx. a precaution. do it. stop him. stop him now. stop him! stop him!