this is supposed to be my race! i'm supposed to win! i got the green light! they. promised i'd get to go to the grand prix! for eight years i've played by the rules! this is supposed to be my race!
like hell they are!
you just watch me. come on! he and his boys storm out, slamming the door behind them.
here they come! pick it up!
watch it! what're you doin'?! the mountains undulate, the cars dip and rise caught in the current of this concrete river-- flowing one way then another, the cars sawing across the belly of one bend, drifting into the curve of another
just try it! try to pass! just try it! racer x knows they're ready.
not this time, punk! he throws the lever and beneath his car-- a violent spray of freezing gas immediately skim coats the road with a fresh shimmering glaze of ice that--- speed hits going full throttle, immediately spinning wildly out of control. he screams trying to hold on as he spits out the end of the cave-- smashing through the rail, separating from the earth-- hanging for a moment against the soundlessness of the open sky-- before dropping like a stone.
not again! not again! he grabs at an ankle holster, yanking out a gun.