jeepers, he could do it, pops. he could really do it, couldn't he? pops goes back to his binos. what if he does? what if he does it, pops? i don't know if i can watch this. he holds the binos as though afraid to look when-- a hairy hand comes in and takes them away. chim-chim, sitting on the chair next to sprittle, puts the binos to his eyes. speed flies through a piece of tricky track drawing another cheer. sprittle grabs the binos back just as the beautiful young woman, standing on the other side of pops, lowers her. trixie chews at her lip, feeling a knot twist into her gut. come on, let's go! victory lane! racer residence. he's not interested. he hangs up. speed's gotta drive for pops! hello? nope. he hangs up. shrugs. wrong number. earthquake! he and chim-chim begin wailing in panic. quick, under the table! into the door-frame! speed's not interest in driving for you or any other sponsor. we got out eye on you, mister. she said we could! pop growls at him, his eyes telling them they'd better not take more than one piece. hang-dogged heads, they each grab one piece of candy? thank you. she closes the drawer, their eyes seen through the racks, watching paradise disappear as though a mirage. my brother's going to win the grand prix one day. remmington's eyes glint. cool!. they climb on and the driver pulls into the tramway. that's the crystal horse with the apache super--charger! no. wrong. '72. '71 was the vundervopper with the k-2 twin turbine and '73 was the kenobe motorstar re-built with a vc ;triple chamber. remmington considers arguing. that's cannonball taylor! speed urns and sees the captain of the remmington team. sorry. cheaters never prosper. the kid to the left chimes in. no, your mother does it for me. malcom almost swallows his tongue as several other kids snicker. k-w integral 4-door with twin-cam turbine. c-foster-k 1200, modified split-rail and supershocks. it doesn't seem fair that i get in trouble, when they always start it. that sucks. what can i do about it? those choices suck too. what? heeeeeey! speed laughs as chim-chim howls and then puts his arm around sprittle. thanks guys. oh god! i'm gonna hurl! huuuurrrl! it wasn't my idea! it was his! he points at chim-chim who shakes his head wildly, pointing back at sprittle. no! don't do that! we're sorry. we couldn't sleep. we just wanted to hang out. we didn't know you were going to in-spew-ration point. by the way, cootie-shots. sprittle and chim-chim immediately cover one shoulder giving themselves a cootie-shot. wait, wait, wait-- speed slams€the trunk shut so we hear sprittle voice muffled can we stop for ice cream first? uh-oh. he looks back at their mess. jig's up. a moment later the door opens and the cleaning man enters. speed! i'm going to send that guy some chim-chim cookies. chim-chim guffaws. we gotta do something, pops. speed steps into the doorway. okay, he's definitely gettin' some monkey cookies. racer hex! the harbinger of boom! pops, whatever you do, don't open the door! what's he doing here? just watching a little tv, pops. pops looks at the tv suspiciously, then back at his son. it's his favorite show. not the monkey parts. chim-chim smiles. sure thing pops. pops looks at them, shakes his head and walks off. let's go! they drop their mirrors and bolt for the house. wait! pops, before you get mad at us--look! sprittle points at the tv eyes wide. it's speed! then who's driving the mach 5? pops turns and indeed, there's the mach 5 barrelling across the red baked earth of zunubia. all right, room service! oh yeah! pops can't help a flash of delight. monkey cookie! he turns just as-- whap! a monkey cookie in the kisser. nice shot! chim-chim howls as sprittle reloads his sling-shot. ahhhh! he and chim-chim run behind speed. i.know it was bad! i know we shouldn't have done it. but chim- chim was really really scared. okay, i was a little scared too. i didn't want what happened to rex to happen to you. racer x and pops feel a hidden wound open. we just thought if you got into trouble, maybe we could help and it's a good thing we did. a good speed looks at pops as if sprittle is making point. go, speed, go! hey watcha doin? where ya goin? why? because why? can we come with you? speed is struck by an odd sense of deja vu. can we come with you? why? i want to help. chim-chim too? that cheater! he's using a spear hook! spear hook! spear hook! the surrounding crowd becomes uncomfortable. i do! cannonball taylor is nothing but a big cheater! told you so! chim-chim high fives him. cheaters never prosper! danger. may cause cookies. mom and pops both hug speed, their eyes bright with joy