how's he look?. well, we can't all be officers, can we? they tell me he's brilliant. dr. norman johnson. welcome aboard. captain. don't thank me, dr. johnson. you weren't my choice. the pentagon made me take you. come with me. the team's already waiting. what have you been told so far? anything else? you talk to any reporters? any press? good. security's been our biggest worry. now that you're here we can shut this thing down tight. well, we don't have all the facts yet. we're moving fast considering the storm. a cyclone's on it's way in. i thought they would have told you on the phone. we've had divers working around the clock. take a look at this. a thousand feet. survivors? no, i wouldn't think so. what? what crashed wasn't an airplane, dr. johnson. it's a bit larger than that. bring up the grid, would you? something like that. that doesn't surprise you? as best we can estimate, it crashed four hundred years ago. see this? coral. geologists measured the coral growth on top of the craft to be over five meters thick. coral grows at a rate of two and a half centimeters a year -- -- dating the crash at least that old. maybe older -- extraordinary, isn't it? i'm afraid it is dr. johnson. because it's sitting on the bottom of our ocean floor. off the record, i don't mind telling you, this thing scares the shit out of me. we think it might. that's why we brought you here. we've assembled your team -- they're waiting for us now. the one you recommended. in the ulf report you wrote for the bush administration. your report's become our bible down here, dr. johnson. we've been carrying out each of your recommendations -- one by one -- to the smallest detail. of what we're able to measure, roughly twenty-six hundred feet. the wing dimension alone is larger that any aircraft we've seen. to the craft? none. not a scratch. i'm not saying anything, harry, i'm just stating the facts. the outer metal is made of a titanium alloy, built into an epoxy- resin honeycomb. the necessary technology to bond this type of metal has never been invented. basic english? there's no way this spacecraft was constructed on our planet. our descent will take 13 minutes. descending at a speed of 80 feet per minute. pressure adjustments will cause the sub to lurch at times, but don't be alarmed. it's perfectly normal. the sub's interior atmosphere will experience moisture as we descend, and the temperature will drop rapidly. just relax and remain seated during the descent. we have clearing from the base. calm down, dr. levine. please, dr. levine. sit down, dr. levine! you're in a military operation now -- your civil rights have been overridden! dr. levine, please! return to your seat! anybody else? they pressurize us with helium. it's a corrosive gas. on earth, it makes a half-eaten apple turn brown and puts the ugly, iron rust on an oldsmobile. at a pressure this low, oxygen becomes toxic. breathe it down here, and it'll do to your dick what it does to the oldsmobile. edmunds, bring up the robot's camera feed. nobody goes inside, until we know what's inside. can you open that panel? duly noted, ted. edmunds, try using suction. thank you, i can see that. try something else. well, shit -- find something, do something. make something up -- what about a crowbar? or whatever's in that thing. norman, what do you think? nothing to be nervous about. these suits are wired and electrically heated. each equipped with an alarm that triggers automatically if life- support sustems go below optimum. give him the hammer, ted. what is it, norman? it's chipped. i don't know how it can be chipped, but it's chipped. i did. back away then. i said back away. ted, get her away from the door. get her away! what is it? radiation shield, you think? what is it? calm down, alright? they gotta be somebody's here. let's stay together, please. alright, beth, do that thing you did before. or just. press the button. what do you make of this? we had considered it. what would we be working on in the future that would make us want to come back? yes, harry. so do we. and it seems to have picked up something on it's travels. i don't know. but it's something alien. but what does it do? this. sphere. what? a break for what? it's definitely something alien . another civilization, yes, sir. well, we don't know yet, but we think we've found a door. so how do we get it open? what? the what? so? what's the problem? like "thou shall not kill"? you mean, what's in that thing is immortal? everything can be killed. yeasts? thank you, beth, but i don't think we're gonna open it up and find a loaf of bread. or it could contain some great benefit to us, some astonishing new idea or technology to help mankind. you don't know that. just tell me worst case. worst case of what we might find? what caused it? let me see that again. don't get hysterical, norman. look, the ships are clearing out. they're taking us topside in a matter of minutes. someone can check him out there, if it's that imprtant. just worry about yourself. what? no, i know they're civilians. i said send the subs down, damn it! ted, shut up. are you packed? ready to go? i want everyone packed. now! what do you mean, he's missing? he's here somewhere. find him. the sub's on it's way. go! c'mon! how can he be missing? we're on the bottom of the fucking ocean -- he can't just walk outside! gimme a report, i want -- who is that? where's that coming from? what's he doing there? get him out of there. i thought i told you people -- don't tell me i told you so, norman, because i don't want to hear it. ted, i want everything by the door -- ready to go! send them, damn it! i know, but i'm not gonna be held responsible -- i told you people, nobody goes anywhere unless i say. no "buts". if he wants to be left, we'll leave him. hello? yes, the subs -- i want a report. hello. yes, a report. gimme. shit. they're coming. any sign of harry? fuck him. what? hello? yes, a report. hello? what are you -- his mother? get norman, i want everyone ready to go. edmunds, the subs? what the hell is going on here? edmunds, do you have a 20 on norman? well, where the fuck is he? what? norman? norman! you get your ass back here. you have no authority whatsoever to be in there. you hear me?. norman? don't go hero on me now. they've left, keep watching! where is he? damn it! can you see him? how does he look? can you tell? norman, get out of there now! norman? they'll be here. norman -- can you hear me?. you don't have time! get the hell out of -- they switched us over. internal power. the surface ships will be back. after the storm clears. they told me about sixty hours. beth -- i wanted to have a word with you. back at the door -- i asked you to back away. there are procedures, beth, that i want followed. my procedures. and considering what's going on, i want you to follow them very closely. and beth, one other thing. i'd like from now on for you to address me as captain or sir in front of the men. fletcher? what are you doing out there? get out of there. i don't want anyone going anywhere outside, understood? fletcher, i want you back here. fletcher, get away from there. get out of there! fletcher! now! nobody move. nobody move! how drastic? i think i do. she should've known better. when was this? so you knew this when you wrote your report? you knowingly recommended a woman with suicidal tendencies for a government operation -- -- and then brought her down here -- -- without a cautionary word to anyone. you know, ted said something to me earlier. i think he's right. he said, "when you got a guy who -- if he wasn't here -- he'd be standing in the unemployment line, you gotta question if you got the right guy." we're all very proud of you, harry, but what the hell is it? from the sphere? you do that. what's the message? how do you mean, strange? he translated it wrong. "my name is jerry"? it's like "see spot run." what am i -- a dog, now? edmunds, get in here. i need you for this. i want a name. a real name. this thing's full name, rank and serial number. i am not gonna explain in some damn report that one person died in a deepsat expedition so we could meet an alien named jerry. cut the friends crap, get a name. it's not talking, it's mimicking. what's he doing? ignorant. the thing's ignorant. are you enjoying yourself, harry, because i don't know what the hell you're doing. mexico? where'd he get mexico? not now, beth. please. i want to know who we're talking to before we start talking. where's edmunds? hell's that mean? "we are" what? what? i'm in charge. with an "o". harold with an "o". what is that, a planet? great, okay. ask him about his weapons. you don't think weapons are important? edmunds, i want you in here. now. we shouldn't talk here. shut it off. edmunds? get in here. i want to know exactly how this is being transmitted. she wired this system. edmunds? edmunds? damn it, edmunds? edmunds? can you copy? edmunds? the sensors are picking up something outside. it won't register. it's too big to image. you people need to hurry back. the sensors have activated. i don't think you're alone out there. well, until we know exactly what it is, nobody goes outside, understood? resetting the sub. in the dome hanger. all our tapes are transferred to the sub. it's on a 12 hour timer. if someone doesn't reset the "delay" button, the sub ascends to the surface with the tapes. if something should happen to us, the navy will at least have partial records of what happened. what is it? you're a fucking biochemist, aren't you? can't you tell us something. i don't want you talking to jerry. you think he killed edmunds? bullshit. what's out there isn't alien. it's an animal. no. i think we should shut down the communication lines inside the habitat. he might be listening now. shut up, beth. i don't want to hear it. direction's east coming! going active. a squid? the size of a whale? i don't think so. target acquired. sixty yards. fifty yards and closing. we're a habitat. not a castle. the only defense we have is high voltage. it sends 200 volts throughout the cylinder surface. but we've never used it underwater before. forty yards. sure. each time it started fires inside the habitat. thirty yards. what the hell? it shut us down. ted, go into the control room. listen for my instructions. why can't i -- ? what the hell is going on here? he's right beneath us. ted? ted? increase positive pressure! it's either that or we grow gills. ted? ted, are you with me? that's enough ted. shut it off! ted? ted! norman! norman can you hear me? you see the lever on the green box? upper right hand corner? you see the lever next to it? do you see it? pull it. do it, norman, it's the only choice we have. this thing is gonna crush us. do it now! now! pull it, damn it! fire in communications room! help! beth! help, i can't -- ! beth! be--