how big is this spacecraft? in basic english, what does all this mean? five years. no phone calls. what am i -- a leper? i love secrets. i've read it twice, norman. it's brilliant. that's quite a secret. do yourself a favor, norman. are you listening? don't tell anyone what you just told me. because when we get down there -- to the spacecraft. to investigate. what do you expect? for them to bring it up here? well, you must have realized the chances an encounter like this would happen here. in the ocean. 70 percent of the earth's surface is water, norman. that's first grade geography. well, let's pray that's the only mistake you made. have you said anything to barnes about this? just keep your mouth shut, alright? this could mean everything to our careers, you know that? don't jeopardize this. what's that -- mistake number two, norman? all that banging and pounding. i don't know. we should think about making a good first impression. for whoever's in that thing. isn't there a psychological term for that, dr. johnson? you're next, norman. such a gentlemen when you're scared shitless. looks alot like an airplane door, doesn't it? there's heat coming the door. wait a minute -- would you wait a minute? hold on -- any of you get ahead of me -- walk this far up? well, think. because there's footprints here that aren't mine. it's empty. why would someone build a ship like this? how about i just press the button? i don't get it. good theory, ted. i'm a woman. i don't theorize. i only deal with facts. then what is it? what are you looking for? what's that noise? norman! i think the chair thinks you want to fly this thing. what's that cluster of stars there? in the center? take politics, our views on abortion, the death penalty. not everything. even on earth. take . yeasts. it could breathe in air and exhale cyanide gas. i am not leaving without him. do you hear me? we come down as a team, we leave as a team. norman? where's norman? norman?. norman? norman! what for? how long will that be? two and a half days? comfortably -- what's that mean -- with oxygen? yeah. i heard you. forgive me. i've never read the navy manual. i wonder what it says about bathroom and shower procedures. but she's -- sedatives. whatever my mood calls for. the library. a bad one. it was the only book in there. norman, come here, look at this. my gosh, norman. what about you? what happened to you? normally, i'd say no. everything's quiet now -- no ships, no divers, no electricity. makes sense. but what's curious is -- these aren't normal jellyfish. they have six tentacles. a new species. and the squid too. they had no stomach. what? yeah, why? what? why. i mean, i'm not. i wasn't absolutely sure if. they -- what?. wait. don't. why are you -- nobody said. norman. what? why are you looking at me like that? i didn't do anything wrong. i didn't mean. you wouldn't go and tell the others, would you? i hate this place, norman. i want out. why should it be an act? who says it's a he? coast is clear. norman, your suit -- it's leaking. norman. look at this. her flesh has been macerated. chewed. i've never seen a bite like this before. she was crushed. feel her skin -- it's like sandpaper. norman. eggs. looking at the coating here, it's definitely marine invertebrate. i'm not sure. i've never seen anything like it. he lied to us. he left us down here. yeah, he told you. think. what was barnes doing before they cut that cable loose? he was on the phone. except that cable is a thousand feet long, norman. they would've broken off communication with us four, five minutes before they cleared out. so who was barnes talking to at the last minute? nobody. fuck you, norman! it's right here. "although advised of risks, all personnel elect to remain down for duration of storm to continue investigation of alien sphere and associated spacecraft. signed, barnes, usn." in edmunds' things. he's not just a navy captain -- he works for the fucking pentagon. don't tell me to calm down! you said something to him, didn't you? you told him about me? you did, didn't you? you bastard. yeah, okay. sure, norman. no, i should stay calm. like you say. right, norman? stay calm. fletcher and edmunds are dead, norman. and the only one we can trust to run this place is a fucking liar. i think he already is. nice work, captain sir. what was that? it looked like a tentacle. of a squid. what if it attacks? what do we use for defense? high voltage? but you've tested it? what are you saying -- we can't stop what's out there? where is it? what was that? that's our reserve air. don't do it, norman! don't pull it, norman. it'll start a fire we can't stop. norman? norman, don't do it! don't do it! norman, please! don't! norman! stay low! i have to reset the sub. don't bother me, norman. it's also our only way out of here! it holds three people. and there's only three of us left now. you, me and harry. he's asleep. we can't. the storm. the waves would toss us around worse than we got down here. and we have four days of decompression when we get up top. get the helium out of our bloodstream. we go to the surface now, we'd pop like a soda bottle. maybe you should go. to the sub. you should know how it works. just in case. i don't trust harry to do it. i fixed your suit. you don't trust me? you press a button, norman. it's not brain surgery. here, go ahead. you only have 15 minutes to reset it. go on, norman. i'll watch the sensors for you. you're clear, norman. the sub's a 100 feet in front of you. you see it? still clear. what's the matter? yes, norman. i did. you're just nervous. you can't. counter's at 10 minutes. you don't have time. still clear. what do you mean? i'm in the ship. getting food. we were out of food. what's wrong? you sound mad. deserts you? harry said he'd take over for me. when he woke up, he said we were out of food. he told me to get some from the ship. yes you did. norman, i wouldn't leave you out there. you know that. harry? that's bullshit. we stood right there -- you get it straightened out? what's harry doing with your suit in there? fixing it? but i fixed -- where'd you get all that? the refridgerator. that wasn't in there before. wait a second -- none of this was here before. no, it wasn't. i swear none of this was here. none of it. you think he hid it? earlier. he must've hid it. you don't believe me. damn it, norman. i swear. i had a whole conversation with the man when he woke up. you think it's me? you think i'm saying there was a conversation when there wasn't? damn it, norman! he's lying. don't you get it? there is something seriously fucked up going on here -- and he's causing it. why can't you believe me? what is it, norman? norman? norman? what? squids? norman? norman, what is it? manifested? what? what do you mean, a part of harry? you think, in the sphere -- but how? how can the sphere do that? which i told barnes was attacking -- but why is he doing it? his dream? you can't control your dreams. and you can't control your fears, can you? and that's the part of harry that's being manifested. why would harry go back to using a code? jerry. right. i said jerry, didn't i? i'm sorry. slip of the tongue. just in time, too. what? our habitat, i mean. this place can't handle another attack. like what? i'm not -- no i'm not. i'm not star-- something for burns. it's for motion sickness. ulcers. a synthetic opium analogue. nothing about drowsiness. tranquilizer. causes drowsiness. ". and may also cause bizarre halucinations". antihistamine. for bites. antibiotic. how do you spell it? it's a soporific. causes sleep. ". used as an anesthetic if given in combination with paracin trichloride. " how long does it last? i'll just boost the doses. how fast does it take effect? what if it takes 20 minutes, norman? what if it takes an hour? and he can fight it off? we can't afford that. it's an idea. to be on the safe side. i mean -- look, it's either him or us, norman. another attack, and we go down with this place. you ever given an injection before. only lab rats. here. give him the whole thing. hurry, before he wakes up. harry! for what? you're not sorry. you're scared. you're a psychologist, norman. you pride yourself on knowing when someone's lying to you, not telling you the truth. and now you're scared . because you're not sure you can tell anymore. what is it, norman? in the sub. resetting the timer. why? what do you mean, different? how's harry? norman? norman? what time is it, norman? do you know the time? i have to know the time of day, norman. do you know? what was that? i couldn't hear you. oh yes, my watch. i almost forgot. splendid. isotonic glucose supplement. go ahead, drink it. what's wrong, norman? are you? it's getting cold. you don't think i put something in it, do you? i did do that, didn't i? snakes? what do you mean, exactly? am i afraid of them? not during the day. sea snakes are diurnal. when the sun's out, they don't bite. fortunately for you, i had on my watch. this is quite good. you tell me. don't you? if i was, then i would've had to have gone in the sphere, wouldn't i? what's the phrase -- "keeping up with the joneses"? same reason i put explosives around the habitat. for defense. for the power. to protect myself. no, he isn't. no, he can't. you think i manifested the snakes? yes, someone did. but it wasn't me, norman. it was you. you manifested the snakes. c'mon -- what? am i lying? are you sure? are you absolutely sure i'm lying? then explain to me about the jellyfish. earlier. why did we see jellyfish? harry doesn't fear jellyfish. you do. they're your fear, aren't they? and the snakes? you want to know about the snakes? you saw one outside earlier, didn't you? when you thought i had deserted you -- you were terrified. one lonely, terrifying sea snake. did i? or was that you? when you were hiding in the bathroom -- all conspiratorially like you were -- you became frightened, didn't you? terrified. like you were with the snake earlier -- and suddenly you have snakes slithering all over the floor. you did that, norman. am i? or am i making so much sense that you're going insane? you don't remember you did. but i'm sure you remember running like some fucking hero to get harry, don't you? you remember that. you remember before you picked him up -- when you looked up at the sphere, you remember that -- when the sphere opened? that's right. but you can't remember going inside, can you? no, of course not. harry couldn't either, could he? "like everything's on the tip of my tongue", he said. is it? no, it isn't. your name is norman. but your younger brother -- what was his name? the one who was stung when you were younger. the one that died. the one you couldn't save. what was his name? "mommy, we're going out to the ocean -- to go swimming." "but i don't want to go swimming, norman. i'm scared." "c'mon, harry, it'll be fine, it'll be fun." you heartless fuck. that's why you're so scared of the water, isn't it? when you were in that sub -- and that squid was attacking you -- are you sure it was the squid that was attacking? do you know? "i can't get beth on the radio. i'm in this tiny sub on the bottom of the fucking ocean. all alone. surrounded by all this water." was it really the squid that was attacking you, norman -- or was it something else -- one of your fears? you never really saw what it was, did you? i'm not scaring you, am i norman? i hope i'm not frightening you. the last thing i want to do is frighten you. you feel okay, don't you? "it's not me, beth. it's not me. it can't be. i'm not doing anything." just like harry said before i stabbed him with the needle. but i have to, norman. promise what, norman? tell me! you think i'd belive you? believe anything you might say now? after you lied to me about telling barnes about my past. about my problems. my problems. not yours. not his. mine. it's either this. or i kill you. it's your choice. because it's not safe for you to be awake. to be walking around. to be thinking about things. you think i care? you think i care if i die? would i put explosives around the habitat -- set on vibration sensors -- that can trigger automatically, if i cared about myself? would i? i've tried twice before, norman, why wouldn't i try a third time? i'm not thinking about myself -- no, norman, i'm thinking about you. your safety. protecting you from your own self. norman! i'm doing this for you, norman. norman. come here, norman. norman -- this is what i'm talking about, norman. don't you see? it's in you. this vindictiveness. this rage. oh, norman, i don't want to come in. i want to lock you in. you're a psychologist, norman. you of all people, don't want to admit to your shadow side. you have a professional stake in believing in your own mental health, don't you? don't you, norman?. of course you're going to deny it. you want to blame someone else. you want to blame beth. because you hate beth. i'm not fucking with you, norman. you've fucked yourself. you're frightened, aren't you, norman? don't you know? stop what? don't blame me. it's not me. from you, norman. from your mind. you're doing it. there's no ventalation in the room, norman. the pressure's going to kill you. it's you, norman. your fear of drowning. you have to face it. c'mon, norman. let me put you under. before you kill yourself! it's over, norman. don't even think it. you don't have your suit, norman. the water will freeze you. it won't help, norman. your body is boyant. you're gonna shoot right to the surface and explode, norman. don't you get it? it's over. norman, what are you doing! you're insa-- i know what you're doing, norman. but you can't save yourself. it's over, norman. it's all over. locked. don't try, norman. you can't get in. i won't let you in. norman, where are you? i can't see you, norman. tell me where you are. leave me alone, norman. you can't stop it, norman. you can't fight me. oh please, don't shrink me, norman. not now. don't tell me about me. i already know too much. oh, sure. here. anything else, beth can get you? some more chicken, perhaps. let beth check the fridge. top shelf, is it? it's over, norman. go on, get outta here. what is that? what are you doing? you hear that? get away from me! get away -- thank you. we can refuse to talk. would it work? how's that? a squid? i don't remember anything about a squid. did you say something about a squid, harry?