working on it now, sir. it's not sucking, sir. we don't have anything else to try, sir. nothing. i don't know. everything was normal. no changes at all. seconds ago. here! oh my gosh. harry? can you copy? subs are still at surface, sir. i'm getting no sub reading, sir. nothing, sir. sir, i am still getting absolutely no reading on sub movement. nothing, sir. yes, sir. in the ship, sir. sir, if the subs haven't left by now. sir! sir, the door -- it's opening. he looks. dead, sir. if the subs aren't here yet, sir -- sir, we're losing it. comfortably? seventy-two hours. minutes ago. harry's trying to decode it in his room now. no idea. we have no surface support. it transmitted too fast to be coming from underwater. harry thinks it's some sort of discharge from our own system, but i've seen it discharge before -- and it didn't look anything like this. from what? we're not hooked up to the sphere. in a minute, sir.