you seen my suitcase? he didn't say much at all. honey -- don't be so supportive, honey. four. four years -- keep watching the news. are you watching the news? what? i don't know. i'm in psychology. was. still am really, just been a while. i treat aircrash survivors. you've heard of me? what report? what report? know what? who's everyone? geologists? at a plane crash? what the hell would a geologist be doing at a plane crash? just that. careful, it's heavy. no, they didn't say -- captain who? really? what report? told me what? thank you, colonel. captain. right, forgive me. well, thanks for the opportuninty here -- my wife appreciates it. the pentagon? i didn't know i had friends in washington. what team? the usual. plane crash. survivers unknown. routine stuff really. nothing else. hello. press? no, i haven't. from what? what's with all the security? storm? what storm? they didn't tell me anything. how deep is he? a thousand? an airplane crashes into a thousand feet of water -- i don't want to sound pessimistic here, but i assume there are no survivors. then why am i here? what do you need me for? what is it? a military spacecraft? like a shuttle or satellite? not really, no. something of the military crashes in the ocean -- it explains why there was nothing on the news, why you've kept everything a secret. when did it crash? four hundred? you're kidding, right? geologists? -- wait a second -- hold on -- -- there's got to be some mistake here -- a four hundred year old military spacecraft? there's no such thing. our space program isn't even forty years old. it's impossible. it doesn't make any sense. what team? ulf report? nobody's mentioned that in years. you mean someone actually read it? but sir, i don't understand. this report -- these recommendations. they're for an encounter with extra- terrestrial life. beth, look, can i trust you with a little secret? that ulf report everybody's patting me on the back about? it's bullshit. the report's a joke. i spent a week reading sagan and watching re-runs of the twilight zone. seriously. i was just trying to pay the mortgage on my house -- i had no idea -- c'mon, beth -- that report's like the blind leading the blind. wait -- down where? underwater? we can't go down there. we're not prepared. that deep? that takes years of training, beth. we're just scientists. lab scietists. we wear ties and lab coats to work -- not oxygen tanks. it never occurred to me. the timing has never seemed quite right. what -- are you threatening me? seasick? a marine biologist? makes you feel pretty small, doesn't it? arthur? arthur? you alright? he wasn't feeling well. what? fine. i'm fine. i'm not being defensive. i'm fine. what's wrong with oxygen? me? well -- i don't really. i mean, you could. you know, you could make a real solid case. a crowbar? i don't know. are we all -- i mean, is it necessary for all of us to go. out there? yeah. drowning. no. go ahead. really. ladies first. no, why don't -- wait a second, i -- geez, c'mon, alright. gimme a minute. let me get my bearings -- look, would you -- you want me to try? take a look. earth doesn't have a patent on buttons, ted. 400 years ago? i'm sure christopher columbus would've loved these accomodations. sounds a little like water -- get this thing off me. whatever i can do to help. 01-01-47. two thousand-forty seven. 50 years in our future. to what? picked up something? what is it? which one? let me get the list out. but on the way home, they miss their turn, go too far, into the past. maybe we shouldn't. if it is alien, maybe we shouldn't try to open it at all. i mentioned it in my report. didn't you read the report? or maybe, it can't be killed. i don't know. that's the point. good point. i don't know what you're talking about, but good point. disrupt our brain waves, interfere with our ability to think. don't be so optomistic, harry. not a clue. i don't follow you. so what? meaning we're never gonna get the chance to tell anyone. i can't believe that, harry. i can't. if i had a minute to think, maybe, but i know you're wrong. look -- we're under a lot of pressure, we're tired, you're not thinking straight. no. i didn't say that. it's what's in that sphere, isn't it, harry? whatever you think is in that thing -- you think it's going to kill you. i'm telling you, harry's lost it. he's saying there's a deathwish out for each of us. all i'm saying is, someone should keep an eye on him. harry's missing. he's missing. he's gone. he left. you can't just leave harry down here, sir. but sir -- what noise? harry, can you tell me about the sphere? you remember opening the door? tell me about the door. do you remember how you opened the door to the sphere?. harry? then explain it to me. what is it, harry? page 87 of what, harry? that far in what, harry? these aren't half bad, fletcher. you might have a second career coming. when did it come across? where's it coming from? is it coming from our own computer? getting anywhere with those? have you looked outside? jellyfish. everywhere. i hate jellyfish. harry, what happened in the cafeteria? you said something to me, before -- about how we were all going to die. you don't remember that? what happened to you inside that sphere, harry? what is this, beth? you taking valium? where'd this come from? we have a library? no, thank you. i hate jellyfish. when i was six, my younger brother and i -- we went swimming in the pacific. at my mother's beach house. we both felt stinging, and when we came out of the water, he was wearing jellyfish head to toe. killed him. yeah, it was awful. me? well, i was wrapped in seaweed. it itched for a while, but i survived. beth, do you find it. curious that we're seeing all this life down here. nothing, and then these enormous flocks of squid. then jellyfish? what do you mean -- not normal? wait a minute. you knew about the squid not being normal. before fletcher went out there? and you didn't tell anyone? beth -- they are or they aren't. which is it? beth. beth -- beth. i'm not paranoid. i know beth. she can be drastic. you don't want to know. a while back, beth and i -- we worked at the same university. she was assisting a chemist there -- i forget his name -- doing research, experiments. she was also living with him. yeah, i know. and when she finished her work, he kicked her out, broke off the relationship, and published five papers -- all her work -- without any thank you or acknowledgement. she put a razor to her wrists a day later. '81, i think. she tried again five years ago. i thought you should know. at the time, i don't know, i thought putting her on the list -- it might help her career -- catch her a break. wait a second -- -- i didn't know it would come to this -- like what? you mean a picture? i don't see anything. please, ted. this is like nursery school. the creature? well, how about we wait and see what harry comes up with? that's brilliant. the message doesn't show a lack of intelligence. it's smart. it's approaching us in a simple way. like you would a dog. holding out your hand, letting it sniff, get used to you. well, he's polite. that's smart. let's talk about guns and violence. i think we should be careful. consider his emotional response. when he uses a phrase like "i am happy", i think we should think twice about what we ask him. jerry, can you understand what we're saying? jerry, can you read our minds? jerry, are you there? we would like to talk alone. and we enjoy talking with you. we'd like to talk with you more. we admire your talents and your great power and understanding. and in your great understanding, you know that we are entities who must talk in private -- with each other. we're not afraid, we are uncomfortable. not at all, we enjoy you very much, but we need to talk alone, without you listening. thank you. jerry?. jerry? are you still there? jerry? frankly, ted, i'd be much happier if jerry was just a cold, emotionless intellect. because if jerry is powerful and also emotional. it raises a very serious question: what happens if jerry gets mad? i can't feel her bones. she's like a sponge. what could have done this? what are they? what was it? has harry spoken with jerry? jerry? jerry, are you there? i'm not sure. what for? at least our obituaries will be accurate. that's reassuring. c'mon, beth. don't make this personal. he told me himself they were taking us back. so what? you're jumping to conclusions, beth. don't get worked up -- where did you get this? you went through edmunds' things? calm down, beth. alright? it's done, alright? it's over! and there's not a damn thing we can do about it now, okay? what? beth -- don't do this. beth, i didn't. hold it together. alright? beth -- but sir, i think it's imperative. i think the messages, the animals we've seen, what killed edmunds, the reading you got earlier -- i think they're all related. of course he did. he's been isloated for 400 years. he wants someone to talk to. look, you put a human being in isolation for four days, they can become neurotic, sometimes psychotic. we're talking about 400 years here. an alien that shows emotional responses. i think we need to address him, before he reacts further. yes, i do. whatever's out there, i think is his response to us refusing to talk to him earlier. maybe so. but i think we need to ask jerry about it. jerry, we don't want to ignore you. we don't. jerry -- jerry? jerry? jerry? jerry? please. stop this. yes, sir. i'm here. high voltage defense system. i see it. it won't stop. does this mean what i think it means? the ships? how are the others? beth and harry? that whole time -- i couldn't stop thinking of what harry was saying earlier. about the time paradox. how we were all going to die -- that there was no way we would make it out of here alive -- how we were all going to die -- that there was no way we would make it out of here alive -- jerry? jerry, did you create that man? jerry, are you manifesting what's destroying our habitat? jerry, answer me. jerry? where are you going in such a hurry? forget the sub. it's not worth the risk. you, me and harry? wake him, then. let's go. get outta -- four days? why should i go? in case you die, too? i would. but my suit -- you fixed my suit? but i don't know how -- i can't see anything. how does it look? still clear? you fixed this suit? beth? my air isn't. i'm coming back. still clear? i'm in. hello? beth? beth? hello? beth! beth! there's something -- ! beth! shit! beth? can you hear me? beth? beth? shit. harry? i can't breathe. am i. clear? thank you. my suit -- beth said she fixed it -- what do you mean? she's not here? she was supposed to be watching the sensor for me. beth left? what are you doing in the ship? beth? yeah, well, i get that way when i'm facing death and someone deserts me. he what? you didn't say that about the food? but why would she -- ? i think so, beth. yes. fixing it. the refridgerator. it's a pretty common place to look for food when you don't think you have any. we must've had it delivered then. 1-800-deepsea delivery. i hear they're good. did you look? it was on the top shelf. you think? all i know is i opened that refridgerator -- this being after you so carefully fixed my suit. i don't know, beth. i wasn't there. page 87. page 87. "i could never read that far." "our fisherman frequently see some that are more than four feet long. some skeletons of squids. ". according to calculations of some naturalists, one of these animals, only six feet long, would have tentacles 27 feet long. that would make a formidable monster." after the attack, a navy guy woke me up -- i don't know -- i thought he was an illusion. but i checked the tape, and jerry said he manifested him. created. brought to life. i don't know. but at the end, jerry said, "stop calling me jerry". and -- he translated it wrong. hello. how are you? i am fine. what is your name?. my name is harry. remember when we first spoke to jerry, barnes kept asking for jerry's real name? but harry never would? he didn't because he was afraid the screen would say "harry", instead of jerry. we weren't talking to an alien intelligence when we talked to jerry, we were talking to harry. or a part of harry. when did the messages start? the animals outside start showing up? after harry came out of the sphere. he acquired some sort of power. a power to manifest things. i don't know. i don't know, beth. i'm not the fucking alien that built the thing. but it can. when harry came out of the sphere, he mumbled something about page 87. how he would never read that far -- he was too scared to. then you found the book, remember in your lab. then in the cafeteria -- and page 87 talks about a giant squid. it's his fear. the squid. he's manifesting his fears. making them real. he must not realize he is. like the navy crewman -- harry was sleeping then. he must've manifested his dream. no. i mean, we've always believed we can think anything we want without consequences. you ever read the bible? it talks about our sinful nature, you know? i mean, we can think, and believe, and desire whatever we want, but there's a part of us -- a shadow side, as jung called it -- that can't be controlled. it's evil. it's inside us. it's what we are. must be. and if it is -- it's a part of him not even he can control. looks like some sort of code. wisconsin? how do we decode it? the cavalry is on it's way. we just figured, you know, the three of us -- we need to. work together through this. that's right. diphenyl parlene. ephedrine hydrochloride. valdomet. sintag. does it cause drowsiness? that's all we need. to get him unconscious -- put him under. tarazine? bingo. riordan? damn it! chloramphenicol? parasolutrine? p-a-r-a-s-o. what's that? it's like a sleeping pill? here we go. "20 cc's of parasolutrine in combination with 6 cc's of paracin given iv produces deep sleep suitable for emergency surgical procedures. no cardiac side effects . rem activity is surpressed. " three to six hours. what? wait -- isn't that dangerous? doesn't say. what is that? what are you doing? what do you want to do -- kill him? beth -- you want to kill him? thirty years ago. in residency. i passed out. you? where do i stick it? he's got farrakahn's army standing guard. what's plan b? you know what it is, harry. it's the squid! stop it! you know damn well what. you're doing it! i'm sorry. not believing you. beth? beth? can you copy? beth? where are you? the sphere looks different. the grooves around the door -- they've shifted. and the pattern -- the fluids -- they look darker now. he's fine. beth -- beth? beth? can you hear me? get the hell out of there. beth? beth? shit. beth? i'm getting some sort of reading. there's something -- and whatever it is, it's not coming from harry. beth? what is that? what are you doing? can you hear me? beth? can you copy? get inside, there's something out there. damn it, beth, i know you hear me. what the hell? beth? c'mon. what are you -- ? oh shit. it's her. ouch. your watch. your watch. i'm feeling better. you think i'd really drink that? you put explosives around the habitat, i can't imagine what you'd put in a drink. how do you feel about snakes? you know what i mean. what are they doing down here? in the bathroom? suddenly appearing. do you fear them? are you manifesting them? did you? why did you go in the sphere, beth? against what? harry's unconscious. he's not a threat. he can't manifest. then why, beth? why go in? why put out explosives? why manifest the snakes? someone did. beth you're losing it. c'mon. you're lying -- but -- that's when you went in the sphere. you manifested that, beth. you're insane. i never went in that sphere. yes. that's bullshit. beth, the message said harry. "my name is harry". my name isn't harry. shut up, beth -- it's not me, beth. i swear. it can't be. don't, beth. i promise -- beth -- don't, beth. please. beth -- it's not safe for you to be either. get away from the door, beth. don't fuck with me, beth. turn off the water, beth. beth! where is it coming from, beth? beth, stop it! then where's it coming from? stop it! beth? can you hear me? beth. beth? i can't do that. i know. you're too strong, beth. beth -- gimme the gun. c'mon -- let's get out of here, beth. let's go home. c'mon, beth. what? hear what? beth -- i don't think so. hey! look! we didn't kill you, alright? and believe me harry, i would've found great pleasure in bashing your head in. help me lift her. shut up and open the door. two and a half minutes. once we're in the sub. a little less than six minutes. shit. harry! i'm gonna have to lift her up to you. hold on. i'm trying. shit. here -- catch her. are you trying, damn it? just -- hold on. i heard! i heard! shut up and catch. alright, here, i'll. wait, you -- just give her to me. shit. alright, harry, get in there. take her, come on. just -- i'm trying to keep balance with -- just pull her -- down like inside -- harry, work with me here! you got her? get her out of the seat, i need room to sit. harry? no idea. wait! shut up. let me think. nine hundred feet to surface. maybe. brace yourself. good. thank you. now that i have it on. why are you laughing? you don't even know what that means. you know, i think you really need to see a psychologist. there is one possibility. the power allows us to manifest our fears, right? what if we feared the power to go away? it would erase all our knowledge of it. all of our power. yes. and i think we already know it will. down below, harry said we would all have to die. since there was no evidence on that spacecraft that anybody knew time travel through a black hole was possible -- and we all knew -- then we would all have to die before we could tell anyone. death was the only logical explanation. but sitting here, we still know. so how is that possible? unless we make ourselves forget. What report?