a half a mile long? never invented? pussy. he's a pussy. what'd you say to him? what does norman already know? what is it, harry? important safety tip. thanks captain. robot? what robot? captain, you know, i really appreciate you hauling us a thousand feet below sea level so we can watch this historical event on television. i'd like it noted in the report that i think we should be doing this ourselves. making a manned entry. i'd also like it noted -- what about a crowbar? what if we go out there, you know -- wedge a crowbar in the door and pry the thing open. i'm secure enough with that. it's just like swimming, norman. you know how to swim, don't you? look at that thing. gimme some room here, will you? back off. gimme some space. alot like. you know, i noticed it before, but i didn't. you're a 53 year old shrink, what are you gonna do? what is it, your back give out? what are you going to do -- shoot her? look at this. some sort of lead or something. a foot and a half thick? that'd withstand a helluva lot of radiation. no. i don't think so. well, they're not mine. strange, isn't it? you know -- how it would have a button. still, make a note i recognized that. what's wrong? what the hell? english? it doesn't make any sense. is it some sort of joke? like one of those hoaxes? but it's impossible. why would this ship carry instructions in english? unless, this alien spacecraft was -- you know -- somehow presenting itself to americans in a way that would make us feel comfortable. well, what's your theory? gimme a minute here. i think i've got it. if it is an alien spacecraft -- an american spacecraft? half a mile long? and buried 400 years? yeah, good theory, harry. considered what? that it's american? how would you think it's american? meaning? please. it must have flown here -- arrived? from where? time travel. i always thought it was one of those myths. like santa's reindeer. maybe we didn't want to come back. maybe it's a message of some sort, you know? see this red here. looks like a design, some writing, maybe. maybe it was sent to meet the spacecraft with a message. can i stay, sir? i'm willing to risk it. i am. after what we just witnessed. did you hear me, sir, because -- sir, about leaving -- i thought he was with you, norman. what the hell is he doing? by the bunks. what the hell happened? to what? how long can we last down here? hey, go easy on the salt, will ya? we're not a bunch of icy streets here. impotent? i'm not impotent. she says jellyfish are a delicacy. you know, i never knew that. maybe it's a message? the sphere. maybe the sphere -- it's not a discharge. right, edmunds? you said before, right? so it's gotta be a message. what's inside the sphere. yeah, i'll work on it, too. he's manic, norman. you know that? this reliance on harry is misplaced. you hear me? totally misplaced. he's overlooking things. obvious things. it's not some fucking substitution code, it's a direct visual representation. take a look. i rearranged the numbers. put 'em up to the light. go ahead. squint at it. squint harder. try this one. don't you see it? it's a picture of the creature. inside the sphere. look, that's the vertical torso, three legs, two arms. there's no head, so i'm guessing the creature's head is located within the torso itself, you know? sure, why not. give him the trophy. that pretentious son of a bitch. you heard him, norman. all that "someone went to a lot of trouble, try again" bullshit. and "impotent". where does he get off saying i'm impotent? he's a fucking self-righteous, little prick. see? no code. what'd i say? captain, i personally feel we should ask much more substantive questions -- what'd you say? give him a chance. he's speaking our language, not the other way around. thank you. maybe it's pretending to be ignorant. unless it's an act. he doesn't wait for an answer. ask him. c'mon. say something. we have to teach him plurals? "from where you began?" that's not even good english. you want to put him on your couch, norman. grill him about his childhood? don't gimme that psychology bullshit, norman. psychology isn't a science, it's superstition. it's a bunch of soft, subjective theories without any hard data to back it up. with an intellect like this, emotions don't mean shit. don't make stuff up, these emotional theories, just so you can feel important here. why's that? what is that? what? too big? barnes didn't know. couldn't get a reading. not that i know of. why? you think jerry has something to do with what killed edmunds? with what's out there? what was edmunds doing outside? what sub? jerry isn't hostile, norman. he said earlier -- we were his friends -- sir, we're leaking! increasing positive pressure. norman! norman! nor--