ock, in a white hospital robe walks through the surreal debris. two waldos reach out and "sense" the ripples on opposite walls. he runs a hand through his hair. ock starts flicking switches and reading dials, doing a "mission countdown" for his next experiment. this place has been "hot rodded" to the max. ock is pacing around the hot rodded room. he checks this and that. he looks at the countdown clock and throws himself down in his chair. he resumes his check- down. red power throttle is at 95% power! spider-man and roz enter, shielding their eyes from the glare. the countdown clock reads, "00:08:18". ock throws the red power throttle to 97% power. cacophony! the "bullet" begins to pulse and throb! the dials spin! the countdown clock reads, "00:05:58". ock works the computer as the console sends up showers of sparks. he glances at the "bullet" which now pulses. the countdown clock at "00:04:18". the countdown clock is at, "00:02:59". ock throws the power throttle to 98% power. he laughs and a web splats against his glasses. spidey scrambles to his feet. ock, still trying to get the web goo off his glasses, is slammed into the console by spider-man. sparks fly and waldos flail blindly, smashing things. ock tears off his glasses and squints through the fire and smoke and glare. spider-man thwips the ceiling and swings into a drop kick! ock recovers. he grabs spidey and slam dunks him through the hole in the floor. the countdown clock is at, "00:01:00" as spidey comes flying in with liz in tow. the countdown clock reads, "00:00:15" as spidey and liz continue to pull wires and cables. two waldos erupt through the floor and grab spidey. they pull spidey to the floor. entangled in these molybdimum pythons, spidey struggles valiantly. liz leaps to his aid. spider-man is at the console pulling and putting back wires. liz, fascinated, looks in at the window where ock disappeared. trying to leave it, liz and spidey are confronted with a nightmare. the room is tilted at a 45% angle. pipes are bursting. spidey helps liz through the obstacles. debris rains down. they come face to face with a diagonal maze of pipes.