garbage! absolute, 100% garbage! bag ladies. i hate bag ladies. little kids. i hate little kids. this is a daily newspaper. we need news value photographs, not artsy-fartsy shit! kid? you want a pro's assessment? your photos suck. parker, my readers are morons. i gotta grab them by the eyes. every time you press the button of that nikon of yours it costs you fifty-five cents. so the next time you're about to take the plunge, ask yourself, am i taking dog bites man? because if you are. parker, this is the post modern 20th century. i want man eats dog! get out! spill it out, professor! the public wants to know! jameson, daily bugle, chief editor, now what really happened here? hey parker! peter parker! that's for them to know, and for you to find out. a press announcement tomorrow! but we must know tonight parker. this is your university, right. you got your camera? a hundred dollars says you can? get inside and get pictures, fifty bucks. seventy, but i want blood and gore. to make fifty bucks. okay, scoop, whaddaya got? good job, kid. bizarre is what we need. pick this up in the morning. there'll be two crisp twenties tucked inside. i don't care if he flies to the moon. he's just another wrestler in a silly costume. look at this, parker, right off the wire. this is the guy who hit that armored truck this morning. they say he has metal arms. get me a picture of this character! four of them. the web faced weirdo. he is a joke in a halloween costume. don't make me laugh. now get out of here and don't come back without something i can use! a mega baloney. a bug in blue tights. what next? parker? peter parker? this is j. jonah jameson! i need pictures of your friend, the amazing spider-man. but i need bad guy shots, you got it? lots of bad guy shots. we're gonna pin that insect to the wall. whaddaya say? what about that kid? on the job already? tear out the front page! change the headline. the biggest news is happening right now. we need photos. a camera. get me a camera!