we begin again. let's kick in that new transducer. see if we can double the power output. okey. dokey! the anti-force experiment has now reached the limit of electronic overload safety. therefore, weiner, you will disconnect the overload safety device. world class scientific mind and they stick me in the basement with this third rate cyclotron. okey! dokey! gentlemen, come, you must see this. the imbeciles can wait. i have better things to do than teach introductory physics rosomorf. undergrads are kindless adolescence. thorkel you are the dummiest administrator our university has ever had. don't go thorkel!! come! look! i am going for 20 percent power! the universe is made up of forces. and counter-forces. science is the study of the forces! but i. professor otto octavius. have devoted my life to the study of the counter-forces! good job, peter. can we carry on mr. thorkel. well! this week my dear students i have made a stunning breakthrough. i have no time for forms, or administrators who persist in interrupting me, mr. thorkel. i now believe its possible that these counter forces can be. collected. the way the magnifying glass collects the sunlight. and focused into a hard beam i call. weiner! i call it, the anti-force! this anti-force, once harnessed, is capable of undoing any natural force at which it is aimed. for instance. gravity! we patch in the cyclotron. the lights flicker and go dim. pay no attention to the lights. i of course steal its energy, and it looses power. we patch in the cyclotron. and we gradually apply power. the power that i am stealing. and so we stand, four square against the fundamental force that orders and maintains our universe. gravity. which is holding down this goddamn ball. rise! mr. parker! have you some. interesting observation you'd like to share with the class? then shut up! and pay some attention to the experiment. rise! rise!!! now that's what i call an experiment! you are looking at a representation of two universes. our blue one. our real universe. something we can touch and feel and see and draw calculations about. this is us. the yellow universe. this is something else. some other dimension. something. on the other side! if it were possible to generate enough power behind it, the anti-force could wipe out not just gravity. but all our universal forces at the same time. in effect. it would blast a hole between this universe and the next. each. would flow into each other. no blue universe. no yellow. end, finished, over. my girl, it is! it is. it would mean wiping out everything that's known. and letting in everything that's unknown. don't worry yourself, true inter- dimensional penetration is still purely theoretical, but one day. maybe very near. maybe in the 21st century. we have a lot of interests in common, peter. perhaps we should put our heads together, if you know what i mean. now you take the planetary conjunction. this saturday night we will witness saturn, jupiter, the moon, the earth, the sun. all in a row. never seen within the memory of man, or measured for its effect. the total gravitational force must be quite exceptional. isn't that the subject of your paper? i'm a busy man, mr. parker. but i think i could find the time to go over it with you. make sure it all. checks out. the scoundrel. i want to see that data, peter! well, i'm certain something can be worked out. run along, young man. just a minute. how about if i show you my discoveries. something i never showed to any other student. as a matter of fact to anybody at all. very well shall we say if you come here tonight. make it eight sharp. i'll be waiting for you. right here. the same academic world that's so keen to embrace that boy's undergraduate work, ridicules my anti-force theory as quackery. i ask you, weiner. what is our society coming to? ha! weiner! go get me that boy's data! just get it. we'll negotiate your fee when you have the data, alright weiner? call an electrician. what. what is he doing. you're denying me access to my cyclotron?! okey, dokey. just give me till tomorrow. i want to clean up my papers. tomorrow. ha. tomorrow you can have this room. i'll show them. closing the cyclotron on me. weiner! where is he? it's ten past eight o'clock. you are late. weiner, go outside and get us something to eat. and don't steal it! just buy it. i'll reimburse you. piss off, weiner! okey, dokey, parker. how would you like to take weiner's place. i mean, be my assistant? rosomorf. that imbecile. don't you understand, kid, that i am about to uncover the greatest discovery since einstein came up with his theory of relativity. the "anti-force." noble shmoble, i am going for a much bigger prize kid. okey, dokey. let me show you, kid, what i got here. present maximum anti-force power to date is 38 percent of theoretical limit. i have patched in the variable particle-wave accelerator. i will now try to reach 50% power. and if your paper has any value. i can use it to get the power i'm missing to create the anti-force, to break through and beat any other form of power in our or any other universe, capish! 50 percent. anti-force. 50 percent. that's all i'm missing! parker, we can be rich together! you'll be sorry, parker. you! get out of there, you creeping. noooooooooooo! it's an energy storm! okey! dokey! the cyclotron is damaged. but my work! myself? i don't matter. nobody matters anymore. to enter a new dimension we must first destroy our own. destroy life. life is. insignificant. bags of sleepy, sluggish flesh. what would you say? thorkel, if i told you that for one moment in time i broke all the laws! for one brief glorious moment, i broke through to the other side. i saw. i felt. i became creation. destiny!!! my destiny! i see it all so clearly now. universal destruction, yes. all i need is the power. then i can destroy this illusion you call life. it is my destiny to lead us to the light! and you are a fool. i will end the universe as you know it. and in that final moment. i'll laugh my ass off while you're kissing yours goodbye! okey, dokey. what a wreck. what a useless, wasted wreck. okey, dokey. we rebuild you, my damaged darling. bigger, better, hotter! a world class, super cyclotron! where have you been, you imbecile? wrestling. well, did you get it? lost him? you-- so how was the wrestling? spider-man, huh? well, maybe i'll just go and wrestle myself one of these days. with all my new arms. i'm sure i can beat crusher or any other monster. will i beat him, this crusher, will i beat him or not? the parker data. get me the parker data, you hear?!!! wrap it up. cash! i'll be back soon. cash! what do you think you're doing? you're not going to any ball, clown. you're going to get me peter parker's data. i don't care if you come back dead. just get it! just get it, weiner. i'm running out of time. if you fail me again, you won't have to concern yourself with money anymore. do you get me clown?! okey, dokey. amperage, okay. flux, 14. negative variable differential. good enough. okey, dokey. now all i need is parker's data. where the hell is weiner? damn it. i can't trust anybody. only you, my babies. only you can i trust. okay. if i have to do everything myself. i'm going to do it. i'll be back. my babies. my new babies! waldos. did you hear about spider-man? that's me. the real spider-man. now tell me, where is that jerky friend of yours. parker? you wouldn't lie to your professor now, would you? we'll wait. ock grabs liz's hair with his waldos. my waldos, you mean. sit. he's a nice boy. a little nerdy maybe, but nice, wouldn't you say? you know, you're a fascinating young lady. you're so refreshing. you're so. oh, i wouldn't say shocking. peter parker has something i want. and i'm going to have something he wants. who the hell are you? that's a lot of crap, clown. i am spider-man, not you. ask you girlfriend. tell him! let her go? what an excellent idea. if you do not deliver your friend, mr. spider-man, yes. yes, of course, i'll let her go. hey. you jerk. you phony spider-man. prepare to meet your death, bug. i am thinking, insect. i'm thinking about exterminating you! now i must kill you, you cretinous clown. once i dispose of you, spider-man, no one will be able to stop me. my destiny! that's professor octopus to you spider jerk! we are new inserting peter parker's data on tonight's planetary conjunction. yes, yes! go on! go on! enormous. it's enormous. the parker calculations add 4% gravitational force at the moment of full planetary conjunction. adding this to present maximum power potential, i get. i knew it. i knew it! universal destruction! it's doable! i am putting a countdown clock on the planetary conjunction now! okey, dokey. now let's see if i have enough power to drive this beast. fusion cells? all up. internal temperature. okay. risk? acceptable. let's fly. you!!! you're a doomed bug, wall crawler. i've no time to waste on you now. alright spider-bug. here i've come for you. okey, dokey. insect! i am going to squash you to death. once i lay my waldos on your skinny bones. goodbye, spider-man! so you've avoided the nuclear pool, have you, spider-man? pity! okay. face to face. catch this! i know you. and you, young lady. both of you are in my physic class, aren't you? come. you can help me. i need to get some of these drums to my laboratory. help me. and i'll give you special grades. what'd you say? but, they won't help me. everybody is trying to destroy my experiment. and so are you, rosomorf. you will? you too? help me with these drums, i need to get them to my laboratory immediately. drive, flash, before i flush your girl right down the toilet! okey, dokey. have fun, young ones. for the last time. aha! you never included the conjunction in your calculations, did you?! rosomorf! a new world waits! rosomorf! it is my destiny!!! okey, dokey!! my energy storm has started. my anti-force is on! history is being made. spider-man, rosomorf cheer up friends. we're on our way to the unknown cosmos. we three are about to visit heaven. real gods heaven. other worlds, roz, other times, other dimensions, who knows? who cares? truth, rosomorf. look at it! the new truth! the new way! no, you don't listen to that clown, he can't save you, or the world for that matter. once and for all, spider-man. once and for all we'll end the legend of your powers. you!! you were my teacher!!! you were my teacher! and you want to destroy my experiment. you are a scientist for heaven sake. don't you want to know what's up there? forget that old fool, insect. my spider-man. come join me on my fantastic voyage to the 7th heaven. spider-man. you're end is coming. life in its present form is ending. new dimensions, new horizons. you cut my power. there's too little power. it's so tiny. so tiny. there's only space. for me. but i've done it, spider-man. i have broken through. i've broken through! okey. dokey. now that's what i call an experiment!!!