doctor octavius! you are late for your lecture. the students are waiting. doctor octavius! you mean his anti-force theory. one day they'll give him the nobel prize for it. but, your students. ock! its dangerous. someone tried to rob me of some paper. i suspect they were looking for that one. award winning stuff. peter parker's data on the planetary conjunction. damn lucky i hid it in my computer under another title. thorkel, be careful when you talk to octavius. remember. the man is a very fragile genius. one day he'll bring us all the noble prize. that's him again. he's working day and night. please, otto, we must lock it up. oh. well thorkel. few more hours won't make a difference. take it easy. take it easy with him. what was what? what hit you? you're going to be fine, otto. howdy partners. nothing beyond what i read in the papers. i'm afraid he's not the same man we knew. you know, i've been digging through the notes on his experiments. you boys must have had an extraordinary classroom experience. whenever you're ready. i'll look at it. i know it's going to be an important work. and peter, take my hat. it is a costume party. plutonium. this is doctor otto octavius' work. i must get back to my university. i must stop ock. he's gone crazy. can you help me? spider-man! listen to me! if he can do this with the train, if he's come this far, then i can pretty well predict his next step. he'll go to plutonium sl 270 for the power. he must be stopped. or else he'll destroy our world. wait spider-man. i don't think i can make it. you mustn't waste time saving me. you must save the world! you must go and stop ock! he is looking for plutonium sl 270 i'm sure. there's only one place he can get the plutonium sl 270. toxic. toxic dump. any toxic dump would have sl 270. leave them alone otto! otto. i was wrong. i've gone over your research. it's brilliant, otto. it's mad, but it's brilliant. you have much work left to do. i want to help you, otto. for the sake of science, go and do your experiment. leave. these kids alone and i'll help you. do as he says. don't lose your energy screaming. catch this rope and climb up, come on! i've been through the octavius data. he has enough power with his plutonium. especially if he gets his hands on parker's data, there he has enough power to do what he wants to do. and we are not going to stop him in time before the planetary conjunction occurs tonight. our campus. right there. see those beams from ock's lab. we're late. it's coming. the conjunction will happen in a few seconds. where? what? damn the calculations! my god, otto, you have to hear me! the world we know will collapse! everything we have devoted our lives to. all the patterns, all the harmonies. everything will be destroyed. it is cosmic suicide! you have no right! you have to stop him. spider-man you have to stop him. spider-man! the conjunction! it's happening! where is it going otto? then. why? yes, but not on account of our world. we have only one world. only one life. the floor begins to craze and then crack like ice around a hole on a pond. bang! bang! spidey comes to just as the section of floor beneath himself and roz gives way and falls through. spider-man! only you can save us now.