my commander requests the presence of your captain in order to negotiate a cease-fire. you will come aboard our ship via shuttlecraft. your refusal would be unwise. are you familiar with this craft? you will speak only to me. that was hardly an attack. my commander will easily destroy your ship. if you do not respond to the question. are you familiar with -- or better, know the location of -- ambassador spock? a final question. what is the current stardate? commander nero -- we're surrounded. sir-- what are your orders? we have arrived at the coordinates you requested. stardate confirmed. 2258.5. captain. long range scans of beta quadrant complete. romulus is there. she's there. we could go. right now, go home. the men and i have discussed this. what we are about to do. we have to turn the ship around. we can save our home. stop. we can go back. that's what we want. we have taken our vengeance on vulcan. no more. we want to go home now.