report. any response? maybe they're incapable -- any identifiable damage? confused? oh my god. a lightning storm. then this. signal all departments: first contact protocols. looks like we have someone new on the block. all stop. that could be seen as an act of provocation -- all readings passive-- damage report! all remaining power to forward shields! prepare the shuttles f-- walk with me. if i don't report within fifteen minutes, execute general order 13. there is no help for us out here. if we're going down, we're taking them with us -- you save as many as you can. you're captain now. mr. kirk. computer, initiate departure sequence. who is your commander? is it him? then ask your commander what right he has to attack a federation vessel. i've never seen it. or any ship like it. i am unfamiliar with ambassador spock. stardate? . it's 2233.04. . hey, where are you from--? oh my god. a lightning storm. then this. signal all departments: first contact protocols. looks like we have someone new on the block. all stop. that could be seen as an act of provocation -- all readings passive-- damage report! 17: you say they are not yours. i speak the truth. i do. i have come far to meet you. "the one who does not speak." ten years is a long time to maintain silence. perhaps you simply do not speak klingon, just as i do not speak romulan.