ensign chekov, pavel h., sir. yessir, happy to. ensign authorization code: nine-five- wictor wictor-two-- aigh, thees is the 23rd century -- what good is woice recognition that doesn't recognize your woice? nine-five-victor-victor-two. aye, keptin. away team's entering the atmosphere -- transporter control re-engaged -- aye, commander-- keptin, sorry. keptin. keptin: gravitational sensors are off the scale -- if my calculations are correct, that pod they launched is creating a singularity. that will consume the planet. yessir. minutes, sir. i'd say minutes. move! i can do that! i can do that!!! i can lock on! gimme manual control! quick!!! -- holdonholdonholdonholdon! compensating gravitational pull and-- gotcha! locking volume, transport in 5-4-3-- no!!! i'm losing her!!! yes, agreed-- but why didn't they destroy us? not to mention we couldn't do it anyway: nero's ship would have to drop out of warp for us to overtake them -- keptin, we're detecting unauthorized access to a water turbine control board! you vant us to trust you but you von't tell us the truth? keptin kirk? excuse me, plees, could i? based on the narada's course from vulcan, i've projected that nero will travel past saturn. if we could drop out of warp behind one of saturn's moons, say, titan, the magnetic distortion from the planet's rings will make us invisible to nero's sensors. we could follow him to earth by staying in his blind spot. its exhaust wake. if we adjust our shield frequencies, they shouldn't detect us. i am seventeen, sir, how old are you? aye. i've projected the parabolic course you must follow. if you deviate by so much as a meter, we will be detected. no sign they've detected us -- they've activated the drill -- keptin! the enemy ship is losing power-- its shields are down! -- we are --! weapons systems and shields on standby.