will somebody please tell me where we're going? montana? well, that answers everything. why the hell are we -- -- going to montana? go where? hello? is anyone going to tell me what we're doing here? cochrane. the inventor of warp drive? but he's been dead for three hundred. oh god. we've gone back in time again, haven't we? well, why didn't you just say so in the first place? this will protect us from the radiation. there's a life sign behind this door. about ten meters below. there. severe radiation exposure. i've stabilized him for now. but he's in a coma and he's going to need radiometric therapy. i want to take him to the ship. jean-luc, this man needs medical attention, now. what are we waiting for? let's go. are you saying they won't help us? there must be some good people. even in this time. at least four hours. he has a severe fracture of the left occipital plate. he's not hemorrhaging. but the radiation has damaged his kna and his apr cell count. it's a. new medical scanner. it's a little more precise than an x-ray machine. um. yeah. now he's going to need a respirator. do you have one? don't you have any generators, or other fuel sources? his automatic reflexes are fluctuating. we've got to get him on a respirator. his heartbeat's irregular. adrenaline -- ten cc's! one. two. three. compress! he's stable. for now. but it would be better if we could contact. our friends. that'll be interesting. i'll be fine. he's a different story. the occipital fracture is widening. we're going to have to fuse the bones. it was an experience. metal scalpels. needle and thread. but i had a little help. surgical transporter. i used it to beam out most of the bone fragments from his brain. he was so confused by what i was doing, i don't think he even noticed. any word from the enterprise? you think they're still up there? that might not be so bad. at least for you. i saw the way you looker at her. and i know that look. you want some advice? don't do this again. you know exactly what i mean. i'd call them excuses. and the first excuse on both our lists was our "sense of duty." we convinced ourselves that it was more important than anything else. and you know what? it's not. did it work?