intelligence. ambition. desire. i bring order to chaos. it's unfortunate we will have to destroy you to obtain the information we need. you are a. unique lifeform. synthetic. and yet far more than a simple automaton. you have no idea how close to perfection you are. a blending of the organic and the synthetic. the highest form of life in the galaxy. have you ever wondered what it's like to have flesh? that. can change. you've taken your first step toward perfection. how does it feel? that's because you haven't been properly. stimulated yet. do you know what this is, data? what a cold description. for such a beautiful gift. was that good for you? how do you feel? until today. your emotions were trapped inside an artificial shell. you didn't know what it was to truly feel. and there's so much more for you to experience. i will guide you into a world of sensation unlike anything you can imagine. all you have to do. is give us access to your neural net. they're not your friends. they've held you back. kept you from your destiny. have they given you what i have given you? did they even try? you're becoming more human all the time, data. now you're learning how to lie. more lies. have you ever know a woman? do you know what it's like to feel her breath on your face. her skin against yours. flesh against flesh? i'm your creator now. a borg in all but name. a universe of sensation is waiting for you. don't you want to explore it. with me? then take the final step. give me the enterprise. and we can be together. always. i've deactivated the sensory inputs. that flesh on your body is just meat, now. you must give me what i want. now. without the deflector dish, we can no longer send for an early invasion. we must assimilate earth ourselves. i need this ship. isn't it better like this? is to yourself. don't make me hurt you again. and i need to control this ship. let me into your mind. eliminate their remaining defenses. i will send borg to assimilate the rest of the crew. vulcan? give me helm control. the targeting lock isn't working. your diagnostics are in error. i need weapons. can you configure it? do it. no! data.