dispersive armor is holding. the borg ship has modified its shields, captain. our phasers will no longer be effective. main power still on-line, captain. we are approaching the terran system, captain. it has entered earth orbit. correction -- it is not in orbit. it is heading directly toward the surface. unknown, sir. suicide tactics are not normally associated with the borg. sensors show a temporal signature emanating from the sphere. high concentrations of tachyons. a temporal vortex is forming directly ahead of the sphere. switching to emergency back-ups. i have helm control. the vortex is collapsing, sir. the planet's surface is covered with borg technology. so is the moon. and three other planets in this solar system. we were caught in the temporal wake from the vortex. it must have protected us from any changes in the time-line. course laid in. engaging impulse engines. according to our astrometric readings. the year is 2063. we are within torpedo range. today is march second, 2063. the time in montana is oh-eight-forty- five. not very well. we met shortly after the enterprise-e was commissioned. i found her to be a most. promising officer. i am still having difficulty integrating certain emotions into my programming. grief, loss, remorse. no. human beings do not have that luxury, and neither should i. go ahead, commander. on my way, commander. one of the diathermic oxygen tanks has been damaged. it is a new subsystem of nova class ships. it regulates hydropressure and temperature variance. remain here. the gas is highly corrosive to organic material. it would liquefy your flesh on contact. begin a diagnostic on the safety interlocks. there appears to have been some damage during the attack. ensign porter? ensign. are you all right? data to bridge. data to security. this is lieutenant data to anyone who can hear my signal. i need assistance in the environmental control room. your efforts to assimilate me will be unsuccessful. it would appear that resistance is not always futile. i am unlike any lifeform you have encountered before. as an android, i am in complete control of my neural net. the information contained there cannot be forcibly removed. who are you? that is a contradiction. the borg act as a collective consciousness. there are no individuals. you are the guiding intelligence behind the borg? how do you define perfection? an interesting definition. but it is not one that applies to me. i am completely artificial. i have no organic components. it is impossible to imagine sensations for which i have no frame of reference. i do not know what you are referring to. it would appear that you are attempting to graft organic skin onto my endo-skeletal structure. it was. interesting. do it again. please. different. my internal sensors tell me the ambient temperature in the room is ten point two degrees celsius. but my skin tells me it is cold. my visual acuity has been reduced by seventy-eight percent. and i can no longer perceive light beyond the ultraviolet or the infrared. but i can see. no. i will not betray my friends. that is not true. they have tried to help me. i. do not want this. i wish to. go back to the way i was. my creator did not intend for me to experience these things. i am. grateful for what you have given me. but i still do not wish to be assimilated. yes. no. i cannot. no. no, please. you cannot. yes. but the enterprise. my duty. no. no, it's so. empty. please. give it back. i need it. in order to access my neural net. you will need to create a positronic interface. i will tell you how. i am re-routing bridge command functions to this location. there is a perimeter alert. a ship has entered sensor range. no. i have repaired the weapons array. phasers are on-line. i do not understand. the optical data network has been repaired, and all systems are functioning. the problem must lie in the interface between starfleet and borg technology. your console may not be configured to handle the data flow. i believe so. i believe i see the problem. you could say that i'm back to my old self. her remains. are they still here? i never realized how powerful an emotion temptation could be. she was. a unique lifeform. in her own way. nearly perfect.