captain, i'm starting to worry about the hull integrity. we've been running the support field at full power for three hours straight. i don't know how much longer it's going to hold up. i have the silo, sir. bearing three one zero. distance, three hundred meters. this must be it. i'm having trouble scanning underground. there's a lot of radiation leaking from something. i'm picking up faint life signs twenty meters below. alphanumeric lock. we need a password to get in. mitchell. depaul. blast door. it's designed to protect the control room when the missile is launched. got it, captain. it could be the radiation, captain. try from the surface. i'd better get started. cochrane was going to use this solid rocket booster to lift the ship into orbit. before the warp drive took over. everything would depend on these old chemical engines. now here's the problem. this used to be the throttle valve assembly. it controls the thrust of the engines. it's been completely vaporized. and without it, there's no way to launch the ship. yeah. if i knew what it looked like. there's probably five hundred ways to design a valve like this. we're tearing this place apart looking for them. but the computers are down, and the fires destroyed half the files. so far, nothing. if it was just part of the warp drive, i'd know what to do. but this. it's like trying to rebuild orville wright's airplane with canvass and sticks. yeah, i looked at these already. you can almost see the throttle assembly in this one. but this guy walked in front of it when they took the picture. maybe. sure. yeah. as long as i could get a clear look at the intake configuration. but so far, we haven't found any other photos. they used copper pipes in their plumbing. so i melted it down. and fused it with some tritanium from one of our phaser casings. it's not the strongest alloy. but it's better than all this crude aluminum and steel. doctor. my name is geordi la forge. i'm an engineer. can i shake your hand? not really. but i do have about a thousand questions i've always wanted to ask you. always am. we can't let her in. she'll see cochrane isn't making the flight. tell her to go back to resurrection. one minute to launch. captain -- captain. we've got less than ten minutes before that vulcan ship leaves the system. we've got to go now. no. the door's too thick. what's still there? solid rocket fuel at twenty-five thousand kilograms. entering the upper ionospere. ignore it. we'll be fine. prepare for first stage shut-down and separation on my mark. three. two. one. mark! ready to deploy the warp nacelles. the vulcans should be out there right now. we need to break the warp barrier in the next five minutes if we're going to get their attention. the nacelles are charged. nuclear warhead standing by. we're ready to ignite the warp drive. warp field looks good. structural integrity holding. i'm on it. the inertial dampers are having trouble compensating. i don't think cochrane built this thing for comfort. there's no temporal shielding in here! we're starting to pick up relativistic effects! captain, the enterprise! well, i feel a whole lot better with them out there. we may need some help. they're getting awfully close. what the hell are they doing? dropping out of warp. no, no -- we'll have to rip out this entire bulkhead. we'll need new bracing members for the deck above and below. data. you look good as new. that's great. i'm sending them to the daystrom institute for analysis. temptation? you said in your report it was all a ruse. you were manipulating her. it almost sounds like you miss her.