casualties are light, captain. minor buckling on the port nacelle. nothing serious. some sort of suicide tactic? main power off-line! we're caught in some kind of energy wake from the vortex. they did it. they assimilated earth. we're still in earth orbit. they've seen us. they're taking evasive action. looks like they damaged the silo. can't tell. long-range bio- sensors are off-line. captain? and if they succeed, humans won't make first contact with the vulcans tomorrow. as first officer i should be the one beaming down. good luck, sir. we're reading some kind of gas leak in the environmental control room. take a repair team down and check it out. assign another team if you need to. i want to re-establish communication with the captain as soon as possible. we have to start thinking about a way to get home. analyze our readings from the temporal vortex. we're going to have to recreate whatever the borg did to -- report. what? what the hell is happening, worf? the borg. some of them must've beamed over before we destroyed their ship. seal off that entire deck with emergency force fields. mister worf. find data if you can, but your top priority is isolating the borg. this is the bridge. i'm releasing the emergency force fields. all right. we've lost control of eight decks. three cargo bays. one shuttlebay. we'll have to assume they've been assimilated into the collective. if they control data, they control the ship. we can't worry about that right now. let's concentrate on what we can. we have to cover both possibilities. we'll take care of the bridge. worf, take your men and seal off main engineering. turn it into a fortress -- nothing gets in. riker to engineering. mister worf. the borg are approaching your position. where the hell are they going? what are they doing? deflector dish. why the deflector dish? computer -- magnify grid twenty- one alpha. computer -- thermal enhancement. they're connecting the conduits to subspace communications. if it was me. i'd say "attack earth now. in the 21st century. they'll be too strong in the 24th." agreed. options? we've lost control of all weapons systems. transporters are down. we can't get to a shuttlecraft. and it would take us too long to fight our way down to deflector control. i remember it made me sick. i think mister worf is suggesting that we go outside for a little stroll. i guess i'd better get it right the first time. ready? depressurize. just a little queasy. right. i'll keep that in mind. over and under! worf! i'm going to need at least five minutes! don't look at the stars. don't look at the stars. hold that thought. report! emergency override! riker to enterprise. five to beam up. he's in sickbay. doctor crusher says he can be repaired. but we have to wait until we. yes, sir. yes, sir. but captain. are we. all going back? no, sir. bridge to engineering. mister la forge. initiate the temporal vortex.