i have a fresh set of plates at home. i'll have them here by eight. take care of him. he's a very special man. i think there's someone in your pants. what are you, an idiot? didn't you see the red light was on? thank god this plate was already fixed. yes. and i only had enough silver halide for one shot. so you're lucky you didn't screw it up. don't worry about it. did you need something? bed sheets. i used my last set of bed sheets to make those prints. not the best material, but i haven't seen a clean piece of paper in five years. sure. why, did you want to buy them? "money." so you can get dome money. you'd have to try real hard. no one's used currency in over ten years. what are you, from another planet? trade. okay. the photographs. for a straight answer. who are you? and how do you know zephram? 'fraid not. you're lying. you're not someone who lies very easily. so it's obvious when you do. at least to me. always. no. not like you and doctor crusher used to be. i didn't. we can't take any more x-rays until i can mix up a new batch of the silver halide. sure. it'll be ready by morning. i'm sure it is. but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. too bad. besides, it'll give you all night to think up a new set of lies. you should pay closer attention to those little red lights. you know, i'd be perfectly justified in shooting you right now. don't flatter yourself. i take pictures of a lot of junk. okay, let's hear it. i'm sure you have a great explanation for why those rocket photos are so important you broke into my house. we? friends from cornell. lie. that's one. keep going. all right. truth. i believe that one. why is it so urgent you couldn't wait until morning? or? lie. that's two. one more, and i pull the trigger. and all i'm asking for is the truth. that would take five minutes. for all i know, you caused the explosions at the silo. and now you're trying to steal zephram's ship. no, you're a petty burglar and a liar. you're no friend of zephram's. he is a great man. he's not like you or me or any of the other zombies walking around this town. jean-luc. remember that future we talked about? it's all that matters. launch the ship. truth. he's telling the truth. i think you have a plane to catch. you're leaving, aren't you? where? and don't tell me san francisco. it's the future, isn't it? just like you told scrimm. i knew you weren't from around here. i don't care if you're from france or venus. just take me with you. why? you've been interfering with my life ever since i met you. don't stop now. that makes two of us.