aye, sir. incoming transmission from the borg. captain, i've scanned the planet. the atmosphere contains a high concentration of methane, carbon monoxide and fluorine. the oceans have been chemically altered, as well. population. thirty-five billion. all borg. but how? captain? western hemisphere. north american continent. captain, they're firing at a nuclear missile silo. in central montana. lieutenant sandra farrel. it appears death was caused by a plasma discharge. i'll note in her record that she never left her post. did you know her? data. are you sure you're all right? we still have to make reports on ten more crewmen killed in action. maybe you should deactivate your emotion chip until we're done. i will admit. there are times when i wish i had an emotion chip i could turn on and off. are we in any danger of being detected by earth defense systems? we just lost main power. and we've got class-three alerts all over the ship. i'm not sure what's -- we're venting our internal atmosphere directly into space! someone? wil. data was down there. do we have any idea how many borg we're dealing with? even data? they're bypassing engineering. to do what? if they wanted a weapon, they could've taken over a phaser bank or torpedo bay. they may be trying to send a message to the other borg. the borg in this time period. can we aim our dorsal phasers at it? what are you suggesting? good luck. how long until they can send a message? computer -- this is commander deanna troi. initiate self- destruct in six minutes, thirty seconds. authorization troi, gamma six five. enable. prismify the beam. get rid of that borg. i have to admit there was a moment there when --