port battery, ready sir! aye, sir. only three left. incoming message from the starship intrepid. admiral hayes. aye, sir. range -- fifty kilometers. they have traveled into the vortex. through time. no response. i'm not reading any starfleet com traffic in this entire sector. but if they changed history. then why are we still here? captain, there are five borg ships closing in on our position. hull integrity down to thirty percent. borg vessels are closing to two thousand meters. captain, i've found the borg sphere. it's on the far side of the planet. firing at the surface. phasers are off-line. we have two quantum torpedoes left. but the computer targeting system has been destroyed. target. target. target locked! aye, sir. i have assigned two damage control teams to locate the source of our communication problems. so far, they've had no success. there were no planetary defense systems in this era. their weapons were designed to fight each other. not extraterrestrials. a ship-wide decompression has been initiated! it appears that someone has taken over the environmental control room. understood. worf to bridge. we're in position. worf to bridge. there's a dampening field in place on this deck. our tricorders are useless. borg. worf to bridge. we're about to enter the environmental control room. negative. however, they've reconfigured the odn network. and re-routed all power on this deck into environmental control. stand by, commander where's ensign hawk? something is very wrong, commander. we're falling back. fire at will! fall back! go, go, go! worf to bridge -- force fields! commander. we have a problem. we saw at least thirty. and there are twenty-two enterprise crewmembers reported missing. including commander data. data's positronic net contains classified information on the enterprise. command codes, security protocols. to control the enterprise, they'll have to gain access to one of two locations. main engineering. or the bridge. double check each assault phaser. make certain that the range setting is no more than thirty meters. we don't want to blast through the hull. mind your post, lieutenant. charge weapons! they appear to be modifying the deflector dish. it doesn't make sense. the deflector is only used for shielding and long range sensors. they're re-routing the deflector power conduits. they're converting the deflector dish into an antennae. what kind of message? we have to stop them from sending that message. destroy the deflector dish. there is another way, commander. do you remember your zero-g combat training? you will have to realign the targeting array of the quantum torpedo. and reprogram the warhead for the localized detonation. there's only one torpedo left. the borg will undoubtedly attack. set phasers to rotating modulation. activate magnetic constrictors. are you alright? try not to look at the stars. keep your eyes on the ship. and commander, whatever you do. do not vomit in your exo-suit. it would be. unpleasant. understood! commander, you're five minutes are up! strong heart. weak stomach. we've lost bridge control! nothing. incoming transmission from starfleet command. admiral hayes.